FootnoteSeparatorType enumeration

FootnoteSeparatorType enumeration

Specifies the type of the footnote/endnote separator.


FOOTNOTE_SEPARATORSeparator between main text and footnote text.
FOOTNOTE_CONTINUATION_SEPARATORPrinted above footnote text on a page when the text must be continued from a previous page.
FOOTNOTE_CONTINUATION_NOTICEPrinted below footnote text on a page when footnote text must be continued on a succeeding page.
ENDNOTE_SEPARATORSeparator between main text and endnote text.
ENDNOTE_CONTINUATION_SEPARATORPrinted above endnote text on a page when the text must be continued from a previous page.
ENDNOTE_CONTINUATION_NOTICEPrinted below endnote text on a page when endnote text must be continued on a succeeding page.


Shows how to remove endnote separator.

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Footnotes and endnotes.docx')
endnote_separator = doc.footnote_separators.get_by_footnote_separator_type(aw.notes.FootnoteSeparatorType.ENDNOTE_SEPARATOR)
# Remove endnote separator.

Shows how to manage footnote separator format.

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Footnotes and endnotes.docx')
footnote_separator = doc.footnote_separators.get_by_footnote_separator_type(aw.notes.FootnoteSeparatorType.FOOTNOTE_SEPARATOR)
# Align footnote separator.
footnote_separator.first_paragraph.paragraph_format.alignment = aw.ParagraphAlignment.CENTER

See Also