CustomDocumentProperties class

CustomDocumentProperties class

A collection of custom document properties. To learn more, visit the Work with Document Properties documentation article.


Each DocumentProperty object represents a custom property of a container document.

The names of the properties are case-insensitive.

The properties in the collection are sorted alphabetically by name.

Inheritance: CustomDocumentPropertiesDocumentPropertyCollection




countGets number of items in the collection.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)


add(name, value)Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.STRING data type.
add(name, value)Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.NUMBER data type.
add(name, value)Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DATE_TIME data type.
add(name, value)Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.BOOLEAN data type.
add(name, value)Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DOUBLE data type.
add_link_to_content(name, link_source)Creates a new linked to content custom document property.
clear()Removes all properties from the collection.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)
contains(name)Returns True if a property with the specified name exists in the collection.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)
get_by_name(name)Returns a DocumentProperty object by the name of the property.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)
index_of(name)Gets the index of a property by name.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)
remove(name)Removes a property with the specified name from the collection.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)
remove_at(index)Removes a property at the specified index.
(Inherited from DocumentPropertyCollection)


Shows how to work with custom document properties.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Properties.docx')
# Every document contains a collection of custom properties, which, like the built-in properties, are key-value pairs.
# The document has a fixed list of built-in properties. The user creates all of the custom properties.
self.assertEqual('Value of custom document property', str(doc.custom_document_properties.get_by_name('CustomProperty')))
doc.custom_document_properties.add('CustomProperty2', 'Value of custom document property #2')
print('Custom Properties:')
for custom_document_property in doc.custom_document_properties:

See Also