bounds_in_points property

NodeRendererBase.bounds_in_points property

Gets the actual bounds of the shape in points.

def bounds_in_points(self) -> aspose.pydrawing.RectangleF:


This property returns the actual (as rendered on the page) bounding box of the shape. The bounds takes into account shape rotation (if any).


Shows how to measure and scale shapes.

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Office math.docx')
office_math = doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.OFFICE_MATH, 0, True).as_office_math()
renderer = aw.rendering.OfficeMathRenderer(office_math)
# Verify the size of the image that the OfficeMath object will create when we render it.
self.assertAlmostEqual(120, renderer.size_in_points.width, delta=0.25)
self.assertAlmostEqual(13, renderer.size_in_points.height, delta=0.1)
self.assertAlmostEqual(120, renderer.bounds_in_points.width, delta=0.25)
self.assertAlmostEqual(13, renderer.bounds_in_points.height, delta=0.1)
# Shapes with transparent parts may contain different values in the "OpaqueBoundsInPoints" properties.
self.assertAlmostEqual(120, renderer.opaque_bounds_in_points.width, delta=0.25)
self.assertAlmostEqual(14.2, renderer.opaque_bounds_in_points.height, delta=0.1)
# Get the shape size in pixels, with linear scaling to a specific DPI.
bounds = renderer.get_bounds_in_pixels(scale=1, dpi=96)
self.assertEqual(160, bounds.width)
self.assertEqual(18, bounds.height)
# Get the shape size in pixels, but with a different DPI for the horizontal and vertical dimensions.
bounds = renderer.get_bounds_in_pixels(scale=1, horizontal_dpi=96, vertical_dpi=150)
self.assertEqual(160, bounds.width)
self.assertEqual(28, bounds.height)
# The opaque bounds may vary here also.
bounds = renderer.get_opaque_bounds_in_pixels(scale=1, dpi=96)
self.assertEqual(160, bounds.width)
self.assertEqual(18, bounds.height)
bounds = renderer.get_opaque_bounds_in_pixels(scale=1, horizontal_dpi=96, vertical_dpi=150)
self.assertEqual(160, bounds.width)
self.assertEqual(30, bounds.height)

See Also