source_code property

VbaModule.source_code property

Gets or sets VBA project module source code.

def source_code(self) -> str:

def source_code(self, value: str):


Shows how to access a document’s VBA project information.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'VBA project.docm')
# A VBA project contains a collection of VBA modules.
vba_project = doc.vba_project
if vba_project.is_signed:
    print(f'Project name: {} signed; Project code page: {vba_project.code_page}; Modules count: {vba_project.modules.count}\n')
    print(f'Project name: {} not signed; Project code page: {vba_project.code_page}; Modules count: {vba_project.modules.count}\n')
vba_modules = doc.vba_project.modules
self.assertEqual(vba_modules.count, 3)
for module in vba_modules:
    print(f'Module name: {};\nModule code:\n{module.source_code}\n')
# Set new source code for VBA module. You can access VBA modules in the collection either by index or by name.
vba_modules[0].source_code = 'Your VBA code...'
vba_modules.get_by_name('Module1').source_code = 'Your VBA code...'
# Remove a module from the collection.

Shows how to create a VBA project using macros.

doc = aw.Document()
# Create a new VBA project.
project = aw.vba.VbaProject() = 'Aspose.Project'
doc.vba_project = project
# Create a new module and specify a macro source code.
module = aw.vba.VbaModule() = 'Aspose.Module'
module.type = aw.vba.VbaModuleType.PROCEDURAL_MODULE
module.source_code = 'New source code'
# Add the module to the VBA project.
doc.vba_project.modules.add(module) + 'VbaProject.CreateVBAMacros.docm')

See Also