
CreateEntries(DirectoryInfo, bool)

Adds to the archive all the files and directories recursively in the directory given.

public TarArchive CreateEntries(DirectoryInfo directory, bool includeRootDirectory = true)
directoryDirectoryInfoDirectory to compress.
includeRootDirectoryBooleanIndicates whether to include the root directory itself or not.

Return Value

The archive with entries composed.


using (FileStream tarFile = File.Open("archive.tar", FileMode.Create))
    using (var archive = new TarArchive())
        archive.CreateEntries(new DirectoryInfo("C:\folder"), false);

See Also

CreateEntries(string, bool)

Adds to the archive all the files and directories recursively in the directory given.

public TarArchive CreateEntries(string sourceDirectory, bool includeRootDirectory = true)
sourceDirectoryStringDirectory to compress.
includeRootDirectoryBooleanIndicates whether to include the root directory itself or not.

Return Value

The archive with entries composed.


ArgumentNullExceptionsourceDirectory is null.
SecurityExceptionThe caller does not have the required permission to access sourceDirectory.
ArgumentExceptionsourceDirectory contains invalid characters such as “, <, >, or |.
PathTooLongExceptionThe specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. The specified path, file name, or both are too long.


using (FileStream tarFile = File.Open("archive.tar", FileMode.Create))
    using (var archive = new TarArchive())
        archive.CreateEntries("C:\folder", false);

See Also