
CreateEntry(string, string, bool, ArchiveEntrySettings)

Create a single entry within the archive.

public ArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string name, string path, bool openImmediately = false, 
    ArchiveEntrySettings newEntrySettings = null)
nameStringThe name of the entry.
pathStringThe fully qualified name of the new file, or the relative file name to be compressed.
openImmediatelyBooleanTrue, if open the file immediately, otherwise open the file on archive saving.
newEntrySettingsArchiveEntrySettingsCompression and encryption settings used for added ArchiveEntry item.

Return Value

Zip entry instance.


ArgumentNullExceptionpath is null.
SecurityExceptionThe caller does not have the required permission to access.
ArgumentExceptionThe path is empty, contains only white spaces, or contains invalid characters.
UnauthorizedAccessExceptionAccess to file path is denied.
PathTooLongExceptionThe specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.
NotSupportedExceptionFile at path contains a colon (:) in the middle of the string.


The entry name is solely set within name parameter. The file name provided in path parameter does not affect the entry name.

If the file is opened immediately with openImmediately parameter it becomes blocked until archive is saved.


using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open("", FileMode.Create))
    using (var archive = new Archive())
        archive.CreateEntry("data.bin", "file.dat");

See Also

CreateEntry(string, Stream, ArchiveEntrySettings)

Create a single entry within the archive.

public ArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string name, Stream source, 
    ArchiveEntrySettings newEntrySettings = null)
nameStringThe name of the entry.
sourceStreamThe input stream for the entry.
newEntrySettingsArchiveEntrySettingsCompression and encryption settings used for added ArchiveEntry item.

Return Value

Zip entry instance.


using (var archive = new Archive(new ArchiveEntrySettings(null, new AesEcryptionSettings("p@s$", EncryptionMethod.AES256))))
    archive.CreateEntry("data.bin", new MemoryStream(new byte[] {0x00, 0xFF} ));

See Also

CreateEntry(string, FileInfo, bool, ArchiveEntrySettings)

Create a single entry within the archive.

public ArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string name, FileInfo fileInfo, bool openImmediately = false, 
    ArchiveEntrySettings newEntrySettings = null)
nameStringThe name of the entry.
fileInfoFileInfoThe metadata of file to be compressed.
openImmediatelyBooleanTrue, if open the file immediately, otherwise open the file on archive saving.
newEntrySettingsArchiveEntrySettingsCompression and encryption settings used for added ArchiveEntry item.

Return Value

Zip entry instance.


UnauthorizedAccessExceptionfileInfo is read-only or is a directory.
DirectoryNotFoundExceptionThe specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive.
IOExceptionThe file is already open.


The entry name is solely set within name parameter. The file name provided in fileInfo parameter does not affect the entry name.

If the file is opened immediately with openImmediately parameter it becomes blocked until archive is saved.


Compose archive with entries encrypted with different encryption methods and passwords each.

using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open("", FileMode.Create))
    FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo("data1.bin");
    FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo("data2.bin");
    FileInfo fi3 = new FileInfo("data3.bin");
    using (var archive = new Archive())
        archive.CreateEntry("entry1.bin", fi1, false, new ArchiveEntrySettings(new DeflateCompressionSettings(), new TraditionalEncryptionSettings("pass1")));
        archive.CreateEntry("entry2.bin", fi2, false, new ArchiveEntrySettings(new DeflateCompressionSettings(), new AesEcryptionSettings("pass2", EncryptionMethod.AES128)));
        archive.CreateEntry("entry3.bin", fi3, false, new ArchiveEntrySettings(new DeflateCompressionSettings(), new AesEcryptionSettings("pass3", EncryptionMethod.AES256)));

See Also

CreateEntry(string, Stream, ArchiveEntrySettings, FileSystemInfo)

Create a single entry within the archive.

public ArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string name, Stream source, ArchiveEntrySettings newEntrySettings, 
    FileSystemInfo fileInfo)
nameStringThe name of the entry.
sourceStreamThe input stream for the entry.
newEntrySettingsArchiveEntrySettingsCompression and encryption settings used for added ArchiveEntry item.
fileInfoFileSystemInfoThe metadata of file or folder to be compressed.

Return Value

Zip entry instance.


InvalidOperationExceptionBoth source and fileInfo are null or source is null and fileInfo stands for directory.


The entry name is solely set within name parameter. The file name provided in fileInfo parameter does not affect the entry name.

fileInfo can refer to DirectoryInfo if the entry is directory.


Compose archive with encrypted entry.

using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open("", FileMode.Create))
    using (var archive = new Archive())
        archive.CreateEntry("entry1.bin", new MemoryStream(new byte[] {0x00, 0xFF} ), new ArchiveEntrySettings(new DeflateCompressionSettings(), new TraditionalEncryptionSettings("pass1")), new FileInfo("data1.bin")); 

See Also

CreateEntry(string, Func<Stream>, ArchiveEntrySettings)

Create a single entry within the archive.

public ArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string name, Func<Stream> streamProvider, 
    ArchiveEntrySettings newEntrySettings = null)
nameStringThe name of the entry.
streamProviderFunc`1The method providing input stream for the entry.
newEntrySettingsArchiveEntrySettingsCompression and encryption settings used for added ArchiveEntry item.

Return Value

Zip entry instance.


This method is for .NET Framework 4.0 and above and for .NET Standard 2.0 version.


Compose archive with encrypted entry.

System.Func<Stream> provider = delegate(){ return new MemoryStream(new byte[]{0xFF, 0x00}); };
using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open("", FileMode.Create))
    using (var archive = new Archive())
        archive.CreateEntry("entry1.bin", provider, new ArchiveEntrySettings(new DeflateCompressionSettings(), new TraditionalEncryptionSettings("pass1")))); 

See Also