Class ArchiveEntry

ArchiveEntry class

Represents single file within archive.

public abstract class ArchiveEntry : IArchiveFileEntry


Comment { get; }Gets comment of the entry within archive.
CompressedSize { get; }Gets size of compressed file.
CompressionSettings { get; }Gets settings for compression or decompression.
DataSource { get; }Source for the entry if the entry was added to archive, not extracted.
IsDirectory { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents a directory.
ModificationTime { get; set; }Gets or sets last modified date and time.
Name { get; }Gets name of the entry within archive.
UncompressedSize { get; }Gets size of original file.


Extract(Stream, string)Extracts the entry to the stream provided.
Extract(string, string)Extracts the entry to the filesystem by the path provided.
Open(string)Opens the entry for extraction and provides a stream with decompressed entry content.


event CompressionProgressedRaises when a portion of raw stream compressed.
event ExtractionProgressedRaises when a portion of raw stream extracted.


Cast an ArchiveEntry instance to ArchiveEntryEncrypted to determine whether the entry encrypted or not.

See Also