

Detects the archive format and creates the appropriate IArchive object according to the type of archive specified by the given path.

public static IArchive GetArchive(string path)
pathStringThe path to the archive to be analyzed.

Return Value

An IArchive object representing the archive.

See Also


Detects the archive format and creates the appropriate IArchive object according to the type of archive specified by the given stream.

public static IArchive GetArchive(Stream stream)
streamStreamThe stream containing the archive data. It must be seekable.

Return Value

An IArchive object representing the archive.

See Also

GetArchive(Stream, string)

Detects the archive format and creates the appropriate IArchive object according to the type of encrypted archive specified by the given stream.

public static IArchive GetArchive(Stream stream, string password)
streamStreamThe stream containing the archive data. It must be seekable.
passwordStringPassword to decrypt encrypted archive.

Return Value

An IArchive object representing the archive.

See Also