
RarArchiveEntry class

Represents single file within archive.

The RarArchiveEntry type exposes the following members:


nameGets name of the entry within archive.
compressed_sizeGets size of compressed file.
uncompressed_sizeGets size of original file.
modification_timeGets last modified date and time.
creation_timeGets creation date and time.
last_access_timeGets last access date and time.
is_directoryGets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory.
lengthGets the length of the entry in bytes.


extract(path, password)Extracts the entry to the filesystem by the path provided.
extract(destination, password)Extracts the entry to the stream provided.
extract(path)Extracts the entry to the filesystem by the path provided.
extract(destination)Extracts the entry to the stream provided.
open(password)Opens the entry for extraction and provides a stream with decompressed entry content.

See Also