
SevenZipArchive class

This class represents 7z archive file. Use it to compose and extract 7z archives.

The SevenZipArchive type exposes the following members:


SevenZipArchive(new_entry_settings)Initializes a new instance of the SevenZipArchive class with optional settings for its entries.
SevenZipArchive(source_stream, password)Initializes a new instance of the SevenZipArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.
SevenZipArchive(path, password)Initializes a new instance of the SevenZipArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.
SevenZipArchive(parts, password)Initializes a new instance of the SevenZipArchive class from multi-volume 7z archive and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.


new_entry_settingsCompression and encryption settings used for newly added SevenZipArchiveEntry items.
entriesGets entries of SevenZipArchiveEntry type constituting the archive.
file_entriesGets entries of IArchiveFileEntry type constituting the archive.


create_entry(name, source, new_entry_settings)Create single entry within the archive.
create_entry(name, path, open_immediately, new_entry_settings)Create single entry within the archive.
save(output)Saves 7z archive to the stream provided.
save(destination_file_name)Saves archive to destination file provided.
extract_to_directory(destination_directory, password)Extracts all the files in the archive to the directory provided.
extract_to_directory(destination_directory)Extracts all the files in the archive to the directory provided.
create_entries(source_directory, include_root_directory)Adds to the archive all files and directories recursively in the directory given.
save_split(destination_directory, options)Saves multi-volume archive to destination directory provided.

See Also