KeyframeSequence class

KeyframeSequence class

The sequence of key-frames, it describes the transformation of a sampled value over time.

Inheritance: KeyframeSequenceA3DObject

The KeyframeSequence type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the KeyframeSequence class.
initInitializes a new instance of the KeyframeSequence class.


nameGets or sets the name.
propertiesGets the collection of all properties.
bind_pointGets the property bind point which owns this curve
key_framesGets the key frames of this curve.
post_behaviorGets the post behavior indicates what the sampled value should be after the last key frame.
pre_behaviorGets the pre behavior indicates what the sampled value should be before the first key.


remove_propertyRemoves a dynamic property.
remove_propertyRemove the specified property identified by name
addCreate a new key frame with specified value
addCreate a new key frame with specified value
get_propertyGet the value of specified property
set_propertySets the value of specified property
find_propertyFinds the property.
It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty)
or native property(Identified by its name)
resetRemoves all key frames and reset the post/pre behaviors.

See Also