FileFormatType class

FileFormatType class

File format type

The FileFormatType type exposes the following members:


extensionThe extension name of this file format, started with .
MAYAAutodesk Maya format type
BLENDERBlender format type
FBXFBX file format type
STLSTL file format type
WAVEFRONT_OBJWavefront OBJ format type
DISCREET_3DSDiscreet 3D Studio’s file format
COLLADAKhronos Group’s Collada file format.
UNIVERSAL_3DUniversal 3D file format type
PDFPortable Document Format
GLTFKhronos Group’s glTF
PLYPolygon File Format or Stanford Triangle Format
XDirectX’s X File
DRACOGoogle Draco Mesh
MICROSOFT_3MF3D Manufacturing Format
RVMAVEVA Plant Design Management System Model.
ASE3D Studio Max’s ASCII Scene Exporter format.
ZIPZip archive that contains other 3d file format.
USDUniversal Scene Description
PCDPoint Cloud Data used by Point Cloud Library
XYZXyz point cloud file
IFCISO 16739-1 Industry Foundation Classes data model.
SIEMENS_JTSiemens PLM Software NX’s JT File
AMFAdditive manufacturing file format
VRMLThe Virtual Reality Modeling Language
ASPOSE_3D_WEBAspose.3D Web format.

See Also