Namespace Aspose.CAD
- BuildVersionInfo
Contains the current build version information.
- Cache
Contains cache settings.
- CifReplacingEncoderFallback
Encoder fallback that replaces out of codepage characters with CIF sequence
- CifReplacingEncoderFallbackBuffer
The replacing encoder fallback buffer that actually does the replacement work
- CodePagesConvertHelper
Code pages converting helper
- ColorPalette
Defines an array of colors that make up a color palette. The colors are 32-bit ARGB colors. Not inheritable.
- ColorPaletteHelper
Helper class for color palettes manipulation.
- ColorTranslator
Translates colors to and from GDI+ Color structures. This class cannot be inherited.
- DataStreamSupporter
The data stream container.
- DisposableObject
Represents disposable object.
- FileStreamContainer
Helper for file stream processing.
- Image
The image is the base class for all type of drawings.
- ImageResizeSettings
Image resize settings class
- IntRange
Class for representing sequence of elements
- License
Provides methods to license the component.
- LoadOptions
Represents the loading options.
- Matrix
Replaces the GDI+ Matrix.
- Metered
Provides methods to set metered key.
- MifCodePageDecoder
Helps determine MIF codepage
- NonGenericDictionary
Represents a non generic dictionary.
- NonGenericList
Non generic list of objects
- ObjectWithBounds
The object having bounds.
- PixelDataFormat
The pixel data format.
- RasterCachedImage
Represents a raster image supporting raster graphics operations. This image caches pixel data when required.
- RasterImage
Represents a raster image supporting raster graphics operations.
- RawDataSettings
The raw data settings
- ResolutionSetting
The resolution setting for image save options.
- Source
The source is used to contain all relevant information for an object pipe.
- StreamContainer
Represents stream container which contains the stream and provides stream processing routines.
- TransparencySupporter
The object supporting transparency.
- XmpPacketWrapper
Contains serialized XMP package including header and trailer.
- CmykColor
The CMYK color of pixel.
- Color
The color of the pixel.
- Point
Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
- PointF
Represents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
- Rectangle
Stores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
- RectangleF
Stores a set of four floating-point numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
- Size
Represents size.
- SizeF
Stores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
- Vector2F
Vector with 2 float parameters
- Vector3F
Vector with 3 float parameters
- Vector4F
Vector with 4 float parameters
- IAdvancedBufferProcessor
The advanced buffer processor.
- IBufferProcessor
The buffer processor.
- IColorConverter
The color converter.
- IColorPalette
The color palette interface.
- IDrawingEntity
Represents basic interface for any object of any drawing.
- IDrawingLayout<T>
Represents basic interface for any drawing's page(also known as 'layout').
- IHasEntities<T>
Represents generic interface for a drawing consisted of entities.
- IHasLayouts<TLayout, TEntity>
Represents basic interface for any drawing structure.
- IIndexedColorConverter
The color converter for indexed image formats.
- IKeyedObject
Represents interface for objects with keys.
- IObjectWithBounds
Represents an object with bounds.
- IPartialArgb32PixelLoader
Conforms to the 32-bit ARGB pixels loaded partially.
- IPartialPixelLoader
Conforms to the pixels loaded partially.
- IPartialRawDataLoader
The partial data loader.
- IPsdColorPalette
The pasd color palette
- IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader
The raster image 32-bit ARGB pixel loader.
- IRasterImagePixelLoader
The raster image pixel loader.
- IRasterImageRawDataLoader
The raster image raw data loader.
- CacheType
Specifies the cache type to use.
- CodePages
Available codepages
- ColorCompareMethod
Color comparison method to adjust to nearest neighbor
- ColorMatrixFlag
Specifies the types of images and colors that will be affected by the color and grayscale adjustment settings of an ImageAttributes.
- ColorQuantizationMethod
Colors quantization methods
- CustomFontFolderOptions
Options for custom font folder specification.
- DitheringMethod
Dithering method.
- DitheringMethods
The dithering methods used to control color conversion.
- FileFormat
One of supported CAD file formats.
- FontStyle
Specifies style information applied to text.
- GraphicsUnit
Specifies the unit of measure for the given data.
- HotkeyPrefix
Specifies the type of display for hot-key prefixes that relate to text.
- ImageFilterType
Image filters to use
- InterpolationMode
The InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated.
- KnownColor
Specifies the known system colors.
- LineCap
Specifies the available cap styles with which a Pen object can end a line.
- MatrixOrder
Specifies the order for matrix transform operations.
- MifCodePages
Code pages used in MIF symbols
- PixelFormat
The pixel data format actual meaning.
- ResizeType
Specifies the resize type.
- RotateFlipType
Specifies how much an image is rotated and the axis used to flip the image.
- SeekOrigin
Provides the fields that represent reference points in StreamContainer for seeking.
- SmoothingMode
Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas.
- StringAlignment
Specifies the alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
- StringDigitSubstitute
The enumeration specifies how to substitute digits in a string according to a user's locale or language.
- StringFormatFlags
Specifies the display and layout information for text strings.
- StringTrimming
Specifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape.
- TextRenderingHint
Specifies the quality of text rendering.
- VectorizationMethod
Pixel matching rule for validation