WmfOptions class

WmfOptions class

The wmf file format creation options.

Inheritance: WmfOptionsImageOptionsBase

The WmfOptions type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the WmfOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the WmfOptions class.


rotationGets or sets the parameter for rotate, flip, or rotate and flip the image..
layersGets or sets a of layer names must be exported.
All data will be exported without layers if names is not sets.
xmp_dataGets or sets the XMP metadata container.
sourceGets or sets the source to create image in.
paletteGets or sets the color palette.
resolution_settingsGets or sets the resolution settings.
vector_rasterization_optionsGets or sets the vector rasterization options.
timeoutTimeout value for export operation (in milliseconds)
pc_3_fileGets or sets the PC3 file full name.
user_watermark_textText for user-generated watermark
user_watermark_colorColor for user-generated watermark
bits_per_pixelGets or sets the image bits per pixel count.

See Also