FileFormat enumeration

FileFormat enumeration

One of supported CAD file formats.

The FileFormat type exposes the following members:


UNDEFINEDUndefined file format.
CUSTOMCustom file format.
BMPBmp file format.
GIFGif file format.
JPEGJpeg file format.
PNGPng file format.
TIFFTiff file format.
PSDPsd file format.
JPEG2000Jpeg2000 file format.
DJVUDjvu file format
WEBPThe Webp file format.
EMFThe Emf file format.
DICOMThe Dicom file format.
SVGThe Svg file format.
WMFThe Wmf file format.
DNGThe Dng file format.
ODGThe Odg file format.
CDRThe Cdr file format.
CMXThe Cmx file format.
OTGThe Otg file format.
HTML_5_CANVASThe Html5 file format.
EPSThe Eps file format.
APNGThe Apng file format.
TGAThe Tga file format.
EMZThe Emz file format.
WMZThe Wmz file format.
SVGZThe Svgz file format.
F_ODGThe FOdg file format.
PDFThe PDF file format.
CAD_R9The DWG Cad R9.
CAD_R010The DWG Cad R10.
CAD_R011The DWG Cad R11.
CAD_R012The DWG Cad R12.
CAD_R013The DWG Cad R13.
CAD_R014The DWG Cad R14.
CAD_R015The DWG Cad R15.
CAD_R021The DWG Cad R21.
CAD_R0221The DWG Cad R221.
CAD_R0222The DWG Cad R222.
CAD_R025The DWG Cad R25.
CAD_R026The DWG Cad R26.
CAD_R2000The DWG Cad R2000.
CAD_R2004The DWG Cad R2004.
CAD_R2007The DWG Cad R2007.
CAD_R2010The DWG Cad R2010.
CAD_R2013The DWG Cad R2013.
CAD_R2018The DWG Cad R2018.
DGN_V7The DGN v7 file format.
DGN_V8The DGN v8 format
DGN_V9The DGN v9 file format.
DXF_CAD_R010The DXF cad R10.
DXF_CAD_R012The DXF cad R12.
DXF_CAD_R014The DXF cad R14.
DXF_CAD_R015The DXF cad R15.
DXF_CAD_R021The DXF cad R021.
DXF_CAD_R0222The DXF cad R022.
DXF_CAD_R025The DXF cad R025.
DXF_CAD_R026The DXF cad R026.
DXF_CAD_R9The DWT cad R9.
DXF_CAD_R10The DXF cad R10.
DXF_CAD_R11The DXF cad R11.
DXF_CAD_R13The DXF cad R13.
DXF_CAD_R14The DXF cad R14.
DXF_CAD_R2000The DXF cad R2000.
DXF_CAD_R2004The DXF cad R2004.
DXF_CAD_R2007The DXF cad R2007.
DXF_CAD_R2010The DXF cad R2010.
DXF_CAD_R2013The DXF cad R2013.
IFC2X3The IFC 2x3 format.
STLThe STL format.
DWFThe DWF format.
IGESThe IGES format.
PLTThe PLT format.
DWT_CAD_R010The DWT Cad R10.
DWT_CAD_R012The DWT Cad R12
DWT_CAD_R014The CAD Release 2018 file format.
DWT_CAD_R015The DWT Cad R15
DWT_CAD_R021The DWT Cad R021
DWT_CAD_R0221The DWT Cad R0221
DWT_CAD_R0222The DWT Cad R0222
DWT_CAD_R025The DWT Cad R025
DWT_CAD_R026The DWT Cad R026
DWT_CAD_R10The DWT Cad R10
DWT_CAD_R11The DWT Cad R11
DWT_CAD_R13The DWT Cad R13
DWT_CAD_R14The DWT cad R14
DWT_CAD_R2000The DWT cad R2000
DWT_CAD_R2004The DWT cad R2004
DWT_CAD_R2007The DWT cad R2007
DWT_CAD_R2010The DWT cad R2010
DWT_CAD_R2013The DWT cad R2013
CF2The CF2 file format
OBJThe OBJ file format
IFC4The IFC version 4 file format
FBXFbx file format.
DWFXThe Dwfx file format
DXBThe AutoDesk DXB 1.0 file format
STPThe STP file format.
U3DThe Universal 3D (U3D) file format
THREE_DSThe 3DS format.

See Also