Format3D class

Format3D class

This class specifies the 3D shape properties for a chart element or shape.

The Format3D type exposes the following members:


top_bevelGets the Bevel object that holds the properties associated with defining a bevel on the top or front face of a shape.
surface_material_typeGets and sets the material type which is combined with the lighting properties to give the final look and feel of a shape.
Default value is PresetMaterialType.WarmMatte.
surface_lighting_typeGets and sets the lighting type which is to be applied to the scene of the shape.
Default value is LightRigType.ThreePoint.
lighting_angleGets and sets the lighting angle. Range from 0 to 359.9 degrees.


has_top_bevel_data(self)Indicates if the shape has top bevel data.

See Also