ShadowEffect class

ShadowEffect class

This class specifies the shadow effect of the chart element or shape.

The ShadowEffect type exposes the following members:


preset_typeGets and sets the preset shadow type of the shadow.
colorGets and sets the color of the shadow.
transparencyGets and sets the degree of transparency of the shadow. Range from 0.0 (opaque) to 1.0 (clear).
sizeGets and sets the size of the shadow. Range from 0 to 2.0.
Meaningless in inner shadow.
blurGets and sets the blur of the shadow. Range from 0 to 100 points.
angleGets and sets the lighting angle. Range from 0 to 359.9 degrees.
distanceGets and sets the distance of the shadow. Range from 0 to 200 points.

See Also