Timeline class
Timeline class
Summary description of Timeline View Due to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline
The Timeline type exposes the following members:
Property | Description |
caption | Returns or sets the caption of the specified Timeline. |
name | Returns or sets the name of the specified Timeline |
left_pixel | Returns or sets the horizontal offset of timeline shape from its left column, in pixels. |
top_pixel | Returns or sets the vertical offset of timeline shape from its top row, in pixels. |
width_pixel | Returns or sets the width of the specified timeline, in pixels. |
height_pixel | Returns or sets the height of the specified timeline, in pixels. |
from aspose.cells import CellsFactory, Workbook
from aspose.cells.pivot import PivotFieldType, PivotTableStyleType
from datetime import datetime
book = Workbook()
sheet = book.worksheets[0]
cells = sheet.cells
cells.get(0, 0).value = "fruit"
cells.get(1, 0).value = "grape"
cells.get(2, 0).value = "blueberry"
cells.get(3, 0).value = "kiwi"
cells.get(4, 0).value = "cherry"
# Create date style
dateStyle = CellsFactory().create_style()
dateStyle.custom = "m/d/yyyy"
cells.get(0, 1).value = "date"
cells.get(1, 1).value = datetime(2021, 2, 5)
cells.get(2, 1).value = datetime(2022, 3, 8)
cells.get(3, 1).value = datetime(2023, 4, 10)
cells.get(4, 1).value = datetime(2024, 5, 16)
# Set date style
cells.get(1, 1).set_style(dateStyle)
cells.get(2, 1).set_style(dateStyle)
cells.get(3, 1).set_style(dateStyle)
cells.get(4, 1).set_style(dateStyle)
cells.get(0, 2).value = "amount"
cells.get(1, 2).value = 50
cells.get(2, 2).value = 60
cells.get(3, 2).value = 70
cells.get(4, 2).value = 80
pivots = sheet.pivot_tables
# Add a PivotTable
pivotIndex = pivots.add("=Sheet1!A1:C5", "A12", "TestPivotTable")
pivot = pivots[pivotIndex]
pivot.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.ROW, "fruit")
pivot.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.COLUMN, "date")
pivot.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.DATA, "amount")
pivot.pivot_table_style_type = PivotTableStyleType.PIVOT_TABLE_STYLE_MEDIUM10
# Refresh PivotTable data
# Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
sheet.timelines.add(pivot, 10, 5, "date")
# Get Timeline object
timelineObj = sheet.timelines[0]
# do your business
See Also
- module