Config class

Config class

Represents all the settings for GridJs

The Config type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of Config


save_html_as_zipSets/Gets whether to save html file as zip archive,the default is false.
same_image_detectingSets/Gets whether to check if picture has same source,the default is true
the default value is true.
auto_optimize_for_large_cellsSets/Gets whether to automatically optimize the load performance for worksheet with large cells
ignore some style /borders to reduce the load time
the default value is true.
islimit_shape_or_imageSets/Gets whether to limit the total display shape/image count inside one worksheet ,if set to true,
GridJs will limit the total display shape/image size inside one worksheet to MaxShapeOrImageCount
the default value is true.
max_shape_or_image_countSets/Gets the total display shape/image count inside the active sheet,it will take affec when IslimitShapes=true.
the default value is 100.
max_total_shape_or_image_countSets/Gets the total display shape/image count inside the whole workbook,it will take affec when IslimitShapes=true.
the default value is 300.
max_shape_or_image_width_or_heightSets/Gets the max width or height for a shape/image ,GridJs will ignore the shape/image with the width or height larger than this, it will take affec when IslimitShapes=true.
the default value is 10000.
max_pdf_save_secondsSets/Gets the max timed out seconds when save to pdf.
the default value is 10.
ignore_empty_contentSets/Gets whether to show the max range which includes data ,style, merged cells and shapes.
if the last row or column contains cells with no value and formula but has custom style
then we will not show this row/column when this vlaue is true。
the default value is true .
use_print_areaSets/Gets whether to use PageSetup.PrintArea for the UI display range when the worksheet has PageSetup setting for PrintArea.
the default value is false .
load_time_outSets/Gets a timeout interrupt in milliseconds in loading file, when the cost time period of loading file is longer than the expectation,it will raise exception.
the default value is -1,which means no timeout interrupt is set .
show_chart_sheetSets/Gets whether to show chart worksheet.
the default value is false .
page_sizeSets/Gets whether to do pagination
GridJs will limit the row size based on the PageSize,if PageSize is -1,it will not do pagination
the default value is -1
empty_sheet_max_rowSets/Gets default max row for an empty worksheet.
the default value is 12.
empty_sheet_max_colSets/Gets default max column for an empty worksheet.
the default value is 15.
picture_cache_directorySets/Gets the cache directory for pictures.(this will take affect when GridJsWorkbook.CacheImp is null)
the default path will be “_piccache” inside the FileCacheDirectory.
file_cache_directorySets/Gets the cache directory for spreadsheet file.
We need to set it to a specific path before we use GridJs.


set_licenseLicenses the component.
set_font_folderSets the fonts folder
set_font_foldersSets the fonts folders

See Also