Enum EmfPlusRecordType

EmfPlusRecordType enumeration

Specifies the methods available for use with a metafile to read and write graphic commands.

public enum EmfPlusRecordType


EmfHeader1See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMin1See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezier2See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolygon3See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyline4See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezierTo5See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyLineTo6See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolyline7See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolygon8See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetWindowExtEx9See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetWindowOrgEx10See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetViewportExtEx11See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetViewportOrgEx12See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetBrushOrgEx13See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfEof14See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetPixelV15See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMapperFlags16See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMapMode17See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetBkMode18See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetPolyFillMode19See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetROP220See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetStretchBltMode21See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetTextAlign22See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetColorAdjustment23See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetTextColor24See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetBkColor25See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfOffsetClipRgn26See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMoveToEx27See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMetaRgn28See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExcludeClipRect29See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfIntersectClipRect30See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfScaleViewportExtEx31See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfScaleWindowExtEx32See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSaveDC33See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRestoreDC34See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetWorldTransform35See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfModifyWorldTransform36See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSelectObject37See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreatePen38See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateBrushIndirect39See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfDeleteObject40See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfAngleArc41See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfEllipse42See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRectangle43See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRoundRect44See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRoundArc45See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfChord46See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPie47See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSelectPalette48See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreatePalette49See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetPaletteEntries50See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfResizePalette51See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRealizePalette52See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtFloodFill53See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfLineTo54See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfArcTo55See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyDraw56See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetArcDirection57See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMiterLimit58See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfBeginPath59See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfEndPath60See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCloseFigure61See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFillPath62See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStrokeAndFillPath63See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStrokePath64See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFlattenPath65See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfWidenPath66See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSelectClipPath67See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfAbortPath68See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfReserved06969See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGdiComment70See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFillRgn71See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFrameRgn72See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfInvertRgn73See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPaintRgn74See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtSelectClipRgn75See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfBitBlt76See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStretchBlt77See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMaskBlt78See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPlgBlt79See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetDIBitsToDevice80See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStretchDIBits81See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtCreateFontIndirect82See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtTextOutA83See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtTextOutW84See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezier1685See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolygon1686See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyline1687See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezierTo1688See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolylineTo1689See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolyline1690See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolygon1691See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyDraw1692See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateMonoBrush93See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt94See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtCreatePen95See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyTextOutA96See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyTextOutW97See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetIcmMode98See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateColorSpace99See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetColorSpace100See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfDeleteColorSpace101See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGlsRecord102See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGlsBoundedRecord103See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPixelFormat104See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfDrawEscape105See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtEscape106See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStartDoc107See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSmallTextOut108See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfForceUfiMapping109See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfNamedEscpae110See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfColorCorrectPalette111See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetIcmProfileA112See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetIcmProfileW113See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfAlphaBlend114See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetLayout115See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfTransparentBlt116See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfReserved117117See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGradientFill118See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetLinkedUfis119See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetTextJustification120See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfColorMatchToTargetW121See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateColorSpaceW122See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMax122See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPlusRecordBase16384See “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
Invalid16384Indicates invalid data.
Header16385Identifies a record that is the EMF+ header.
Min16385The minimum value for this enumeration.
EndOfFile16386Identifies a record that marks the last EMF+ record of a metafile.
Comment16387See AddMetafileComment.
GetDC16388See GetHdc.
MultiFormatStart16389Marks the start of a multiple-format section.
MultiFormatSection16390Marks a multiple-format section.
MultiFormatEnd16391Marks the end of a multiple-format section.
Object16392Marks an object.
Clear16393See Clear.
FillRects16394See FillRectangles methods.
DrawRects16395See DrawRectangles methods.
FillPolygon16396See FillPolygon methods.
DrawLines16397See DrawLines methods.
FillEllipse16398See FillEllipse methods.
DrawEllipse16399See DrawEllipse methods.
FillPie16400See FillPie methods.
DrawPie16401See DrawPie methods.
DrawArc16402See DrawArc methods.
FillRegion16403See FillRegion.
FillPath16404See FillPath.
DrawPath16405See DrawPath.
FillClosedCurve16406See FillClosedCurve methods.
DrawClosedCurve16407See DrawClosedCurve methods.
DrawCurve16408See DrawCurve methods.
DrawBeziers16409See DrawBeziers methods.
DrawImage16410See DrawImage methods.
DrawImagePoints16411See DrawImagePoints methods.
DrawString16412See DrawString methods.
SetRenderingOrigin16413See RenderingOrigin.
SetAntiAliasMode16414See SmoothingMode.
SetTextRenderingHint16415See TextRenderingHint.
SetTextContrast16416See TextContrast.
SetInterpolationMode16417See InterpolationMode.
SetPixelOffsetMode16418See PixelOffsetMode.
SetCompositingMode16419See CompositingMode.
SetCompositingQuality16420See CompositingQuality.
Save16421See Save.
Restore16422See Restore.
BeginContainer16423See BeginContainer methods.
BeginContainerNoParams16424See BeginContainer methods.
EndContainer16425See EndContainer.
SetWorldTransform16426See TransformPoints methods.
ResetWorldTransform16427See ResetTransform.
MultiplyWorldTransform16428See MultiplyTransform methods.
TranslateWorldTransform16429See TransformPoints methods.
ScaleWorldTransform16430See ScaleTransform methods.
RotateWorldTransform16431See RotateTransform methods.
SetPageTransform16432See TransformPoints methods.
ResetClip16433See ResetClip.
SetClipRect16434See SetClip methods.
SetClipPath16435See SetClip methods.
SetClipRegion16436See SetClip methods.
OffsetClip16437See TranslateClip methods.
DrawDriverString16438Specifies a character string, a location, and formatting information.
Max16438The maximum value for this enumeration.
Total16439Used internally.
WmfRecordBase65536See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSaveDC65566See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRealizePalette65589See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetPalEntries65591See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreatePalette65783See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetBkMode65794See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetMapMode65795See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetROP265796See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetRelAbs65797See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetPolyFillMode65798See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetStretchBltMode65799See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextCharExtra65800See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRestoreDC65831See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfInvertRegion65834See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPaintRegion65835See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSelectClipRegion65836See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSelectObject65837See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextAlign65838See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfResizePalette65849Increases or decreases the size of a logical palette based on the specified value.
WmfDibCreatePatternBrush65858See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetLayout65865See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfDeleteObject66032See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreatePatternBrush66041See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetBkColor66049See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextColor66057See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextJustification66058See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetWindowOrg66059See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetWindowExt66060See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetViewportOrg66061See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetViewportExt66062See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfOffsetWindowOrg66063See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfOffsetViewportOrg66065See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfLineTo66067See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfMoveTo66068See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfOffsetCilpRgn66080See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfFillRegion66088See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetMapperFlags66097See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSelectPalette66100See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreatePenIndirect66298See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreateFontIndirect66299See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreateBrushIndirect66300See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPolygon66340See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPolyline66341See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfScaleWindowExt66576See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfScaleViewportExt66578See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfExcludeClipRect66581See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfIntersectClipRect66582See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfEllipse66584See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfFloodFill66585See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRectangle66587See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetPixel66591See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfFrameRegion66601See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfAnimatePalette66614See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfTextOut66849See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPolyPolygon66872See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfExtFloodFill66888See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRoundRect67100See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPatBlt67101See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfEscape67110See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreateRegion67327See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfArc67607See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPie67610See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfChord67632See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfBitBlt67874See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfDibBitBlt67904See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfExtTextOut68146See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfStretchBlt68387See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfDibStretchBlt68417See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetDibToDev68915See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfStretchDib69443See “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.

See Also