
ConvertTemplate(HTMLDocumentTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template source presented by HTMLDocument with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(HTMLDocument template, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options, string outputPath)
templateHTMLDocumentMerging source skeleton presented by HTMLDocument.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source file path
      var sourcePath = Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html");

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");
      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Form HTML document as conversion source
      var document = new HTMLDocument(sourcePath, new Configuration());

      // Initiate conversion process
      Converter.ConvertTemplate(document, templateData, options, resultPath);

      // Clear resources

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(UrlTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template HTML source presented by URL with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(Url url, TemplateData data, TemplateLoadOptions options, 
    string outputPath)
urlUrlMerging HTML source skeleton presented by URL.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source Url
      var sourceUrl = new Url(Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html"));

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process
      Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourceUrl, templateData, options, resultPath);

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(UrlConfigurationTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template HTML source presented by URL with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(Url url, Configuration configuration, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options, string outputPath)
urlUrlMerging HTML source skeleton presented by URL.
configurationConfigurationThe environment configuration. Represents the configuration context object that is used to set up the environment settings for the application.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source Url
      var sourceUrl = new Url(Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html"));

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance 
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process with default configuration
      Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourceUrl, new Configuration(), templateData, options, resultPath);

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, TemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template HTML source presented by full file path with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(string sourcePath, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options, string outputPath)
sourcePathStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by full file path.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source file path
      var sourcePath = Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html");

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process
      Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourcePath, templateData, options, resultPath);

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, ConfigurationTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template HTML source presented by full file path with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(string sourcePath, Configuration configuration, 
    TemplateData data, TemplateLoadOptions options, string outputPath)
sourcePathStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by full file path.
configurationConfigurationThe environment configuration. Represents the configuration context object that is used to set up the environment settings for the application.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source file path
      var sourcePath = Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html");

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process with default configuration
      Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourcePath, new Configuration(), templateData, options, resultPath);

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, string, TemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template HTML source presented by inline content with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(string content, string baseUrl, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options, string outputPath)
contentStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by inline string content.
baseUrlStringBase URI of the html template. It will be combined with the current directory path to form an absolute URL.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
	  // Form inline source content as template
      string templateContent =
        "<html>" + 
        "<body>" +
        "<div data_merge=\"{{#foreach Person}}\">" +
        "<p>{{Title}}</p>" +
        "<p>Name: {{Name}} Surname: {{Surname}}</p>" +
        "<p>Address:</p>" +
        "<p>{{Address.Number}}, {{Address.Street}} {{Address.City}}</p>" +
        "</div>" +
      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form output as merging result 
      var resultFilePath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();
      // Initiate conversion process
      Converter.ConvertTemplate(templateContent, string.Empty, templateData, options, resultFilePath);

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.
*OutputFolder - user output file path.

Below is sample data file to merge with source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<Title>Title 1</Title>
		<Street>Austin rd.</Street>
	<Title>Title 2</Title>
		<Street>First Avenue</Street>

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, string, ConfigurationTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions, string)

Merge template HTML source presented by inline content with template data (XML, JSON). Result is html file formed by output file path.

public static void ConvertTemplate(string content, string baseUrl, Configuration configuration, 
    TemplateData data, TemplateLoadOptions options, string outputPath)
contentStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by inline string content.
baseUrlStringBase URI of the html template. It will be combined with the current directory path to form an absolute URL.
configurationConfigurationThe environment configuration. Represents the configuration context object that is used to set up the environment settings for the application.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).
outputPathStringFull html file path as output conversion result.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
   // Form inline source content as template
   string templateContent =
    "<html>" + 
    "<body>" +
    "<div data_merge=\"{{#foreach Person}}\">" +
    "<p>{{Title}}</p>" +
    "<p>Name: {{Name}} Surname: {{Surname}}</p>" +
    "<p>Address:</p>" +
    "<p>{{Address.Number}}, {{Address.Street}} {{Address.City}}</p>" +
    "</div>" +
   // Form xml (json) template data file path
   var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

   // Define TemplateData object instance
   var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

   // Form output as merging result 
   var resultFilePath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

   // Define configuration object instance
   var configuration = new Configuration();

   // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
   var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

   // Initiate conversion process with default configuration
   Converter.ConvertTemplate(templateContent, string.Empty,
        configuration, templateData, options, resultFilePath);

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

Below is data file to merge with source as template

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<Title>Title 1</Title>
		<Street>Austin rd.</Street>
	<Title>Title 2</Title>
		<Street>First Avenue</Street>

See Also


Merge template source presented by HTMLDocument with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(HTMLDocument template, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options)
templateHTMLDocumentMerging source skeleton presented by HTMLDocument.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source file path
      var sourcePath = Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html");

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();
      // Form HTML document as conversion source
      using (var template = new HTMLDocument(sourcePath, new Configuration()))
        // Initiate conversion process
        var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(template, templateData, options);
        // Save result with linked resources
        document.Save(new Url(resultPath));

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also


Merge template HTML source presented by URL with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(Url url, TemplateData data, TemplateLoadOptions options)
urlUrlMerging HTML source skeleton presented by URL.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form Url to skeleton html source file
      var sourceUrl = new Url(Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html"));

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process
      using (var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourceUrl, templateData, options))
        // Save result with linked resources
        document.Save(new Url(resultPath));

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also


Merge template HTML source presented by URL with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(Url url, Configuration configuration, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options)
urlUrlMerging HTML source skeleton presented by URL.
configurationConfigurationThe environment configuration. Represents the configuration context object that is used to set up the environment settings for the application.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form Url to skeleton html source file
      var sourceUrl = new Url(Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html"));

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process with default configuration
      using (var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourceUrl, new Configuration(), templateData, options))
        // Save result with linked resources
        document.Save(new Url(resultPath));

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, TemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions)

Merge template HTML source presented by full file path with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(string sourcePath, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options)
sourcePathStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by full file path.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source file path
      var sourcePath = Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html");

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process
      using (var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourcePath, templateData, options))
        // Save result with linked resources
        document.Save(new Url(resultPath));

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, ConfigurationTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions)

Merge template HTML source presented by full file path with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(string sourcePath, Configuration configuration, 
    TemplateData data, TemplateLoadOptions options)
sourcePathStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by full file path.
configurationConfigurationThe environment configuration. Represents the configuration context object that is used to set up the environment settings for the application.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form skeleton html source file path
      var sourcePath = Path.Combine(InputFolder, "source.html");

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form result file path
      var resultPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process with default configuration
      using (var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(sourcePath, new Configuration(), templateData, options))
        // Save result with linked resources
        document.Save(new Url(resultPath));

*InputFolder - user source template folder.

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, string, TemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions)

Merge template HTML source presented by inline content with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(string content, string baseUrl, TemplateData data, 
    TemplateLoadOptions options)
contentStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by inline string content.
baseUrlStringBase URI of the html template. It will be combined with the current directory path to form an absolute URL.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form inline source content as template
      string templateContent =
        "<html>" +
        "<body>" +
        "<div data_merge=\"{{#foreach Person}}\">" +
        "<p>{{Title}}</p>" +
        "<p>Name: {{Name}} Surname: {{Surname}}</p>" +
        "<p>Address:</p>" +
        "<p>{{Address.Number}}, {{Address.Street}} {{Address.City}}</p>" +
        "</div>" +

      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form output as merging result 
      var resultFilePath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process and save result
      using (var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(
        templateContent, string.Empty,
        document.Save(new Url(resultFilePath));

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also

ConvertTemplate(string, string, ConfigurationTemplateDataTemplateLoadOptions)

Merge template HTML source presented by inline content with template data (XML, JSON). Result is new formed HTMLDocument which can be saved as file.

public static HTMLDocument ConvertTemplate(string content, string baseUrl, 
    Configuration configuration, TemplateData data, TemplateLoadOptions options)
contentStringMerging HTML source skeleton presented by inline string content.
baseUrlStringBase URI of the html template. It will be combined with the current directory path to form an absolute URL.
configurationConfigurationThe environment configuration. Represents the configuration context object that is used to set up the environment settings for the application.
dataTemplateDataTemplate data for merging - substitution (XML, JSON).
optionsTemplateLoadOptionsTemplateLoadOptions object instance. It used to determine whether the template and data item names match, regardless of case or not (options).

Return Value

New formed HTMLDocument as conversion result which can be saved through output file path.


Template Merger

The idea of template merging is to create an HTML document based on a html template and populate it from a data source. Aspose.HTML provides the inline expressions syntax to work with templates and various data source types, such as XML and JSON. Refer to article where you can find more info about template merging and using ConvertTemplate() method.

Conversion (Merging) steps

Converter class offers few ways to merge html source with template data wherein you should follow one of simple scenarios consists of few steps:

Template source. Define HTML template source by file, URL, HTMLDocument object instance or even by inline content.Conversion result. You can obtain directly resulting HTMLDocument or define result output file path depend of method signature.Create instance of TemplateLoadOptions.Use the ConvertTemplate() method of the Converter class to merge template with data. You can add also configuration as option parameter.Source code

You can download the complete examples and data files from GitHub.


using System.IO;
using Aspose.Html.IO;
using Aspose.Html.Saving;  
using Aspose.Html.Converters;  
      // Form inline source content as template
      string templateContent =
        "<html>" + 
        "<body>" +
        "<div data_merge=\"{{#foreach Person}}\">" +
        "<p>{{Title}}</p>" +
        "<p>Name: {{Name}} Surname: {{Surname}}</p>" +
        "<p>Address:</p>" +
        "<p>{{Address.Number}}, {{Address.Street}} {{Address.City}}</p>" +
        "</div>" +
      // Form xml (json) template data file path
      var templateDataPath = Path.Combine(TemplateFolder, "templateData.xml");

      // Define TemplateData object instance
      var templateData = new TemplateData(templateDataPath);

      // Form output as merging result 
      var resultFilePath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "result.html");

      // Define configuration object instance
      var configuration = new Configuration();

      // Define default TemplateLoadOptions object
      var options = new TemplateLoadOptions();

      // Initiate conversion process and save result
      using (var document = Converter.ConvertTemplate(
        templateContent, string.Empty,
        document.Save(new Url(resultFilePath));

*TemplateFolder - user template data folder.

*OutputFolder - user output file path.

See Also