HugoFrontMatterSyntaxNode Class

HugoFrontMatterSyntaxNode class

Defines the base class HugoFrontMatterSyntaxNode

public abstract class HugoFrontMatterSyntaxNode : BlockSyntaxNode


FirstChild { get; }Get the first child.
abstract FrontMatterRootNode { get; }Get and set the RootNode
LastChild { get; }Get the last child.
NextSibling { get; }Get ghe next sibling.
Parent { get; }Get the parent node.
PreviousSibling { get; }Get the previous sibling.


override Accept(MarkdownSyntaxVisitor)Defines the interface for accept visitor.
AppendChild(MarkdownSyntaxNode)Append child node.
ChildNodes()Get the child nodes collection.
Find(params string[])Defines the interface for find BaseSyntaxNode
abstract Find<T>(params string[])Defines the interface for find T
GetLeadingTrivia()Get the leading trivia.
GetSyntaxTree()Get the syntax tree.
GetTrailingTrivia()Get the Trailing trivia.
InsertBefore(MarkdownSyntaxNodeMarkdownSyntaxNode)Insert before node.
RemoveChild(MarkdownSyntaxNode)Remove the child.
ReplaceChild(MarkdownSyntaxNodeMarkdownSyntaxNode)Replace the child node.
override ToString()Override ToString method.
virtual WriteTo(MarkdownTextWriter)Write to MarkdownTextWriter.
WriteTo(TextWriter)Write nodes to text writer.

See Also