PageLayoutOptions enumeration

PageLayoutOptions enumeration

Specifies flags that together with other PageSetup options determine sizes and layouts of pages. These flags can be combined together according to their descriptions.

The PageLayoutOptions type exposes the following members:


NONEDefault value which indicates that the PageLayoutOptions will not affect the sizes and layouts of pages.
FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTHThis flag indicates that the width of the pages is determined from the content size itself, not from the specified page width.
The width of content is calculated individually for every page.
USE_WIDEST_PAGEWhen combined with PageLayoutOptions.FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH indicates that the width of every page will be the same and will be equal to the widest content size among all pages.
FIT_TO_WIDEST_CONTENT_WIDTHThis flag indicates that the width of the page is determined from the content size itself, not from the specified page width.
The width of every page will be the same and will be equal to the widest content size among all pages.
FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHTThis flag indicates that the height of the page is determined from the content size itself, not from the specified page height.
All the documents content will be located on the single page if this flag is specified.
SCALE_TO_PAGE_WIDTHThis flag indicates that the content of the document will be scaled to fit the page where the difference between the available page width and the overlapping content is greatest.
It collides with PageLayoutOptions.FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH flag and if both flags are specified only PageLayoutOptions.SCALE_TO_PAGE_WIDTH will take affect.
SCALE_TO_PAGE_HEIGHTThis flag indicates that the content of the document will be scaled to fit the height of the first page.
It collides with PageLayoutOptions.FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT flag and if both flags are specified only PageLayoutOptions.SCALE_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT will take affect.
All document content will be placed on the single page only.

See Also