MarkdownFeatures enumeration

MarkdownFeatures enumeration

A MarkdownFeatures flag set is a set of zero or more of the following flags, which are used to select elements converted to markdown.

The MarkdownFeatures type exposes the following members:


INLINE_HTMLThis flag enables HTML elements inlining. If this flag is set than block level elements (such as div) whose markdown attribute value equals inline will be inserted in to resulting markdown.
AUTOMATIC_PARAGRAPHThis flag enables conversion of paragraph elements. Content of such elements will be placed on separate lines, so markdown handlers will wrap it.
HEADERThis flag enables conversion of header elements.
BLOCKQUOTEThis flag enables conversion of blockquote elements.
LISTThis flag enables conversion of list elements.
CODE_BLOCKThis flag enables conversion of code blocks. Code block consists of 2 elements pre and code, content of such construction is processes “as is”.
HORIZONTAL_RULEThis flag enables conversion of horizontal rules.
LINKThis flag enables conversion of a elements.
EMPHASISThis flag enables conversion of emphasis elements.
INLINE_CODEThis flag enables conversion of code elements.
IMAGEThis flag enables conversion of img elements.
LINE_BREAKThis flag enables conversion of br elements.
VIDEOThis flag enables conversion of video elements.
TABLEThis flag enables conversion of table elements.
TASK_LISTThis flag enables conversion of task lists. Task list consists of input element, which must be the first child of list element and whose type attribute value should equal checkbox.
STRIKETHROUGHThis flag enables conversion of del elements.
STRONGThis flag enables conversion of strong elements.

See Also