Url class

Url class

Provides an object representation of a universal identifier (URL).

Inheritance: UrlDOMObject

The Url type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the Url with the specified URL.
initInitializes a new instance of the Url with the specified URL
and base URL.


originGets a string representation for the specified URL origin.
usernameGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL username.
passwordGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL password.
protocolGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL schema.
hostGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL host.
hostnameGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL hostname.
portGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL port.
pathnameGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL path.
searchGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL search segment.
hashGets or sets a string representation for the specified URL hash segment.
search_paramsGets an associated IUrlSearchParams object.
hrefGets or sets a serialized representation for the specified URL instance.


get_platform_typeThis method is used to retrieve ECMAScript object Type.
to_jsonReturns a String that represents this instance.

See Also