XmpValue class

XmpValue class

Represents XMP value

The XmpValue type exposes the following members:


XmpValue(value)Initializes a new instance of the XmpValue class
XmpValue(value)Initializes a new instance of the XmpValue class
XmpValue(value)Initializes a new instance of the XmpValue class
XmpValue(value)Initializes a new instance of the XmpValue class
XmpValue(array)Initializes a new instance of the XmpValue class


is_stringReturns true if value is string.
is_integerReturns true if value is integer.
is_doubleReturns true if value is floating point value.
is_date_timeReturns true if value is DateTime.
is_fieldReturns true if XmpValue is field.
is_named_valueReturns true if XmpValue is named value.
is_rawValue is unsupported/unknown and raw XML code is provided.
is_named_valuesReturns true is XmpValue represents named values.
is_structureReturns true is XmpValue represents structure.
is_arrayReturns true is XmpValue is array.


to_string_value()Converts to string.
to_integer()Converts to integer.
to_double()Converts to double.
to_date_time()Converts to date time.
to_array()Returns array.
to_structure()Returns XMP value as structure (set of fields).
to_field()Returns XMP value as XMP field.

See Also