Thumbnail4Resource Class

Summary: Represents the thumbnail resource for psd 4.0.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources.Thumbnail4Resource

Inheritance: ThumbnailResource

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.9.0


Thumbnail4Resource()Initializes a new instance of the Thumbnail4Resource class


RESOUCE_BLOCK_ME_SA_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe resource signature of ImageReady.
RESOUCE_BLOCK_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe regular Photoshop resource signature.
bits_pixelshortr/wGets or sets the bits pixel.
data_sizeintrGets the resource data size in bytes.
formatThumbnailFormatr/wGets or sets the thumbnail data format.
heightintr/wGets or sets the height of thumbnail in pixels.
idshortr/wGets or sets the unique identifier for the resource.
jpeg_optionsJpegOptionsr/wGets or sets the JPEG options. Suitable when thumbnail resource is saved into JPEG file format only. This option has no effect when RAW format is defined.
minimal_versionintrGets the minimal required psd version.
namestringr/wGets or sets the resource name. Pascal string, padded to make the size even (a null name consists of two bytes of 0).
planes_countshortr/wGets or sets the planes count.
signatureintrGets the resource signature. Should be always ‘8BIM’.
sizeintrGets the resource block size in bytes including its data.
size_after_compressionintrGets or sets the size after compression. Used for consistency check.
thumbnail_argb_32_dataintr/wGets or sets the 32-bit ARGB thumbnail data.
thumbnail_dataColor[]r/wGets or sets the thumbnail data.
total_sizeintrGets the total data size.
widthintr/wGets or sets the width of thumbnail in pixels.
width_bytesintrGets the row width in bytes.


save(stream)Saves the resource block data.
validate_values()Validates the resource values.

Constructor: Thumbnail4Resource()


Initializes a new instance of the Thumbnail4Resource class

Method: save(stream)


Saves the resource block data.

