TiffTags Enumeration

The tiff tag enum.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.tiff.enums

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.tiff.enums.TiffTags

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


Member nameDescription
ARTISTCreator of image.
BAD_FAX_LINESLines with wrong pixel count.
BITS_PER_SAMPLEBits per channel (sample).
CELL_LENGTH[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Dithering matrix height.
CELL_WIDTH[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Dithering matrix width.
CLEAN_FAX_DATARegenerated line info.
CLIP_PATHClipPath. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
COLOR_MAPRGB map for pallette image.
COLOR_RESPONSE_UNIT[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]

Color curve accuracy.
COMPRESSIONData compression technique.
CONSECUTIVE_BAD_FAX_LINESMax consecutive bad lines.
COPYRIGHTCopyright string. This tag is listed in the TIFF rev. 6.0 w/ unknown ownership.
DATE_TIMECreation date and time.
DOCUMENT_NAMEName of document which holds for image.
DOT_RANGE0% and 100% dot codes.
EXIF_IFD_POINTERA pointer to the Exif IFD.
EXTRA_SAMPLESInformation about extra samples.
FILL_ORDERData order within a byte.
FREE_BYTE_COUNTS[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Sizes of free blocks.
FREE_OFFSETS[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Byte offset to free block.
GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]

Gray scale response curve.
GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]

Gray scale curve accuracy.
HALFTONE_HINTSHighlight + shadow info.
HOST_COMPUTERMachine where created.
ICC_PROFILEThe embedded ICC device profile
IMAGE_DESCRIPTIONInformation about image.
IMAGE_LENGTHImage height in pixels.
IMAGE_WIDTHImage width in pixels.
INDEXEDIndexed. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF Technote 3.
INK_NAMESASCII names of inks.
INK_SETInks in separated image.
JPEG_A_CTABLES[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

AC coefficient offsets.
JPEG_D_CTABLES[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

DCT table offsets.
JPEG_INERCHANGE_FORMAT[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

Pointer to SOI marker.
JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_LENGTH[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

JFIF stream length
JPEG_LOSSLESS_PREDICTORS[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

Lossless proc predictor.
JPEG_POINT_TRANSFORM[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

Lossless point transform.
JPEG_PROC[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

JPEG processing algorithm.
JPEG_Q_TABLES[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

Q matrice offsets.
JPEG_RESTART_INTERVAL[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]

Restart interval length.
JPEG_TABLESJPEG table stream. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0.
MAKEScanner manufacturer name.
MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Maximum sample value.
MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Minimum sample value.
MODELScanner model name/number.
NUMBER_OF_INKSNumber of inks.
OPI_IMAGEIDOPI ImageID. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote.
OPI_PROXYOPI Proxy. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote.
ORIENTATION[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Image orientation.
OSUBFILE_TYPE[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Kind of data in subfile.
PAGE_NAMEPage name image is from.
PAGE_NUMBERPage numbers of multi-page.
PHOTOMETRICPhotometric interpretation.
PHOTOSHOP_RESOURCESPhotoshop image resources.
PLANAR_CONFIGStorage organization.
PREDICTORPrediction scheme w/ LZW.
PRIMARY_CHROMATICITIESPrimary chromaticities.
REFPTSImage reference points. Private tag registered to Island Graphics.
RESOLUTION_UNITUnits of resolutions.
ROWS_PER_STRIPRows per strip of data.
SAMPLES_PER_PIXELSamples per pixel.
SAMPLE_FORMATData sample format.
SMAX_SAMPLE_VALUEVariable MaxSampleValue.
SMIN_SAMPLE_VALUEVariable MinSampleValue.
SOFTWAREName & release.
STRIP_BYTE_COUNTSBytes counts for strips.
STRIP_OFFSETSOffsets to data strips.
SUB_FILE_TYPESubfile data descriptor.
SUB_IFDSubimage descriptors.
T4_OPTIONSTIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP3OPTIONS.
Options for CCITT Group 3 fax encoding. 32 flag bits.
T6_OPTIONSOptions for CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. 32 flag bits.
TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP4OPTIONS.
TARGET_PRINTERSeparation target.
THRESHOLDING[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]

Thresholding used on data.
TILE_BYTE_COUNTSByte counts for tiles.
TILE_LENGTHTile height in pixels.
TILE_OFFSETSOffsets to data tiles.
TILE_WIDTHTile width in pixels.
TRANSFER_FUNCTIONColorimetry info.
TRANSFER_RANGEVariable TransferRange
WHITE_POINTImage white point.
XCLIPPATHUNITSXClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
XML_PACKETXML packet. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe XMP Specification, January 2004.
XPOSITIONX page offset of image lhs.
XP_AUTHORImage Author, used by Windows Explorer.
The TiffTags.XP_AUTHOR is ignored by Windows Explorer if the TiffTags.ARTIST tag exists.
XP_COMMENTComment on image, used by Windows Explorer.
XP_KEYWORDSImage Keywords, used by Windows Explorer.
XP_SUBJECTSubject image, used by Windows Explorer.
XP_TITLEInformation about image, used by Windows Explorer.
The TiffTags.XP_TITLE is ignored by Windows Explorer if the TiffTags.IMAGE_DESCRIPTION tag exists.
XRESOLUTIONPixels/resolution in x.
YCBCR_POSITIONINGSubsample positioning.
YCBCR_SUB_SAMPLINGYCbCr subsampling factors.
YCLIPPATHUNITSYClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
YPOSITIONY page offset of image lhs.
YRESOLUTIONPixels/resolution in y.