GraphicsUnit Enumeration

Specifies the unit of measure for the given data.

Module: aspose.psd

Full Name: aspose.psd.GraphicsUnit

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


Member nameDescription
DISPLAYSpecifies the unit of measure of the display device. Typically pixels for video displays, and 1/100 inch for printers.
DOCUMENTSpecifies the document unit (1/300 inch) as the unit of measure.
INCHSpecifies the inch as the unit of measure.
MILLIMETERSpecifies the millimeter as the unit of measure.
PIXELSpecifies a device pixel as the unit of measure.
POINTSpecifies a printer’s point (1/72 inch) as the unit of measure.
WORLDSpecifies the world coordinate system unit as the unit of measure.