System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize class

PaperSize class

Specifies the size of a piece of paper.

class PaperSize : public System::Object


get_Height() constGets the height of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
get_Kind() constGets the type of paper.
get_PaperName() constGets the name of the type of paper.
get_RawKind() constGets an integer representing one of the System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize values or a custom value.
get_Width() constGets the width of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
PaperSize()Initializes a new instance of the System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize class.
PaperSize(PaperKind, System::String, int32_t, int32_t)Initializes a new instance of the System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize class.
PaperSize(System::String, int32_t, int32_t)Initializes a new instance of the System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize class.
set_Height(int32_t)Sets the height of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
set_PaperName(System::String)Sets the name of the type of paper.
set_RawKind(int32_t)Sets an integer representing one of the System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize values or a custom value.
set_Width(int32_t)Sets the width of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
ToString() const overrideProvides information about the System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize in string form.

See Also