System::Security::Cryptography::CspKeyContainerInfo class

CspKeyContainerInfo class

Additional information about a cryptographic key pair.

class CspKeyContainerInfo : public virtual System::Object


CspKeyContainerInfo(const SharedPtr<CspParameters>&)RTTI information.
get_Accessible() constGets a flag indicating whether a key in a container is accessible.
get_Exportable() constGets a flag indicating whether a key can be exported from a container.
get_HardwareDevice() constGets a flag indicating whether a key is a hardware key.
get_KeyContainerName() constGets a key container name.
get_KeyNumber() constGets a KeyNumber object.
get_MachineKeyStore() constGets a flag indicating whether a key is loaded from machine key store.
get_Protected() constGets a flag indicating whether a key is protected from copy.
get_ProviderName() constGets provider name.
get_ProviderType() constGets provider type.
get_RandomlyGenerated() constGets a flag indicating whether a key was randomly generated.
get_Removable() constGets a flag indicating whether a key can be removed from a container.
get_UniqueKeyContainerName() constGets a unique container name.

See Also