System::Diagnostics::Process class

Process class

Encapsulates process information and manipulation. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class Process : public System::Object


get_EnableRaisingEvents() constGets whether the event Exited should be raised when the process terminates.
get_ExitCode() constGets process exit code.
get_PrivateMemorySize64() constGets process private memory set size.
get_ProcessName() constGets process name.
get_StandardError() constProvides reader to read from process error output. Not implemented.
get_StandardOutput() constProvides reader to read from process standard output. Not implemented.
get_StartInfo() constGets process start information.
get_WorkingSet64() constGets process memory working set size.
static GetCurrentProcess()Gets information on current process. Windows only.
GetOutputText() constGets process output text.
set_EnableRaisingEvents(bool)Sets whether the event Exited should be raised when the process terminates.
Start()Starts process with pre-defined parameters.
static Start(const String&, const String&)Starts process with specified path and arguments.
static Start(const SharedPtr<ProcessStartInfo>&)Starts process with specified path and arguments.
WaitForExit(int)Waits for process to exit. Not implemented.
WaitForExit()Waits for process to exit, doesn’t return until it’s over.
virtual ~Process()Destructor.

See Also