System::Globalization::NumberFormatInfo class

NumberFormatInfo class

Holds information on how to format numbers. Setter operations are only enabled on non-read-only objects. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class NumberFormatInfo : public virtual System::Object,
                         public System::IFormatProvider,
                         public System::ICloneable


Clone() overrideClones format info.
get_CurrencyDecimalDigits() constGets number of currency decimal digits.
get_CurrencyDecimalSeparator() constGets currency decimal separator.
get_CurrencyGroupSeparator() constGets currency group separator.
get_CurrencyGroupSizes() constGets number of currency decimal digits per group.
get_CurrencyNegativePattern() constGets currency negative pattern.
get_CurrencyPositivePattern() constGets currency positive pattern.
get_CurrencySymbol() constGets currency symbol.
static get_CurrentInfo()Gets current thread culture-defined number format info.
get_DigitSubstitution() constGets a value that specifies how to display shape of a digit.
static get_InvariantInfo()Gets invariant culture-defined number format info.
get_IsReadOnly() constChecks if format is read-only.
get_NaNSymbol() constGets Not-a-Number symbol.
get_NativeDigits() constGets digits symbols (0 through 9).
get_NegativeInfinitySymbol() constGets negative infinity symbol.
get_NegativeSign() constGets negative sign.
get_NumberDecimalDigits() constGets number of decimal digits.
get_NumberDecimalSeparator() constGets decimal separator.
get_NumberGroupSeparator() constGets number group separator.
get_NumberGroupSizes() constGets numbers of digits per group.
get_NumberNegativePattern() constGets number negative pattern.
get_PercentDecimalDigits() constGets number of decimal places in percent values.
get_PercentDecimalSeparator() constGets decimal separator in percent values.
get_PercentGroupSeparator() constGets group separator in percent values.
get_PercentGroupSizes() constGets numbers of digits per percent value group.
get_PercentNegativePattern() constGets percent negative pattern.
get_PercentPositivePattern() constGets percent positive pattern.
get_PercentSymbol() constGets percent symbol.
get_PerMilleSymbol() constGets permille symbol.
get_PositiveInfinitySymbol() constGets positive infinity symbol.
get_PositiveSign() constGets positive sign.
GetFormat(const TypeInfo&) overrideGets formatter of specific type.
static GetInstance(const IFormatProviderPtr&)Gets formatter associated with format provider.
NumberFormatInfo()Default constructor (invariant NumberFormatInfo).
operator=(const NumberFormatInfo&)
static ReadOnly(NumberFormatInfoPtr)Gets read-only version of formatter.
set_CurrencyDecimalDigits(int)Sets number of currency decimal digits.
set_CurrencyDecimalSeparator(const String&)Sets currency decimal separator.
set_CurrencyGroupSeparator(const String&)Sets currency group separator.
set_CurrencyGroupSizes(const ArrayPtr<int>&)Sets number of currency decimal digits per group.
set_CurrencyNegativePattern(int)Sets currency negative pattern.
set_CurrencyPositivePattern(int)Sets currency positive pattern.
set_CurrencySymbol(const String&)Sets currency symbol.
set_DigitSubstitution(DigitShapes)Sets a value that specifies how to display shape of a digit.
set_NaNSymbol(const String&)Sets Not-a-Number symbol.
set_NativeDigits(const ArrayPtr<String>&)Sets digits symbols (0 through 9).
set_NegativeInfinitySymbol(const String&)Sets negative infinity symbol.
set_NegativeSign(const String&)Sets negative sign.
set_NumberDecimalDigits(int)Sets number of decimal digits.
set_NumberDecimalSeparator(const String&)Sets decimal separator.
set_NumberGroupSeparator(const String&)Sets number group separator.
set_NumberGroupSizes(const ArrayPtr<int>&)Sets numbers of digits per group.
set_NumberNegativePattern(int)Sets number negative pattern.
set_PercentDecimalDigits(int)Sets number of decimal places in percent values.
set_PercentDecimalSeparator(const String&)Sets decimal separator in percent values.
set_PercentGroupSeparator(const String&)Sets group separator in percent values.
set_PercentGroupSizes(const ArrayPtr<int>&)Sets numbers of digits per percent value group.
set_PercentNegativePattern(int)Sets percent negative pattern.
set_PercentPositivePattern(int)Sets percent positive pattern.
set_PercentSymbol(const String&)Sets percent symbol.
set_PerMilleSymbol(const String&)Sets permille symbol.
set_PositiveInfinitySymbol(const String&)Sets positive infinity symbol.
set_PositiveSign(const String&)Sets positive sign.

See Also