System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine method
TextWriter::WriteLine() method
Writes line terminator characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine()
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const SharedPtr<Object>&) method
Writes the string representation of the specified object followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const SharedPtr<Object> &value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const SharedPtr<Object>& | The object to write |
See Also
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class Object
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(bool) method
Writes the string representation of the specified boolean value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(bool value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | bool | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(char_t) method
Writes the specified character followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(char_t value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | char_t | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(Decimal) method
Writes the string representation of the specified Decimal object followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(Decimal value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Decimal | The object to write |
See Also
- Class Decimal
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(double) method
Writes the string representation of the specified double-precision floating point value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(double value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(int) method
Writes the string representation of the specified 32-bit integer value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(int value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(int64_t) method
Writes the string representation of the specified 64-bit integer value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(int64_t value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int64_t | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(float) method
Writes the string representation of the specified single-precision floating point value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(float value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | float | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const String&) method
Writes the specified string followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const String &value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const String& | The string to write |
See Also
- Class String
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(uint32_t) method
Writes the string representation of the specified unsigned 32-bit integer value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(uint32_t value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | uint32_t | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(uint64_t) method
Writes the string representation of the specified unsigned 64-bit integer value followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(uint64_t value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | uint64_t | The value to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t>&) method
Writes all characetrs from the specified array followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t> &buffer)
Parameter | Type | Description |
buffer | const ArrayPtr<char_t>& | The array containing the characters to write |
See Also
- Typedef ArrayPtr
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t>&, int32_t, int32_t) method
Writes the specified subrange of UTF-16 characters from the specified character array followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t> &buffer, int32_t index, int32_t count)
Parameter | Type | Description |
buffer | const ArrayPtr<char_t>& | The array containing the characters to write |
index | int32_t | A 0-based index of the elemnet in buffer at which the subrange to write begins |
count | int32_t | The number of characters in the subrange to write; -1 specifies that the subrange ends where buffer array ends |
See Also
- Typedef ArrayPtr
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const char_t *) method
Writes the specified c-string followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const char_t *value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const char_t * | The c-string to write |
See Also
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const TypeInfo&) method
Writes the string representation of the specified TypeInfo object followed by the line-terminating characters to the stream.
virtual void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const TypeInfo &value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const TypeInfo& | The object to write |
See Also
- Class TypeInfo
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
TextWriter::WriteLine(const String&, const TArgs&…) method
Writes the specified values formatted according to the specified format followed by the line-terminating characetrs to the stream.
template<class...> void System::IO::TextWriter::WriteLine(const String &format, const TArgs &... args)
Parameter | Description |
TArgs | The list of types of values to write |
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | const String& | The string format |
args | const TArgs&… | The values to write |
See Also
- Class String
- Class TextWriter
- Namespace System::IO
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++