System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient class

TcpClient class

Represents a client for the TCP network services. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class TcpClient : public System::IDisposable


BeginConnect(String, int32_t, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
BeginConnect(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>, int32_t, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
BeginConnect(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>>, int32_t, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
Close()Closes the connection and disposes the current instance.
Connect(String, int32_t)Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>, int32_t)Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPEndPoint>)Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
Connect(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>>, int32_t)Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
EndConnect(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>)Waits until the specified asynchronous connect operation completes.
get_Available()Returns the number of bytes that are received and ready to read.
get_Client()RTTI information.
get_Connected()Returns a value that indicates if the socket is connected to the remote host.
get_ExclusiveAddressUse()Gets a value that indicates if the current instance allows only one client to use a port.
get_LingerState()Gets a value that indicates if the socket will delay closing in an attempt to send all pending data.
get_NoDelay()Gets a value that indicates if the current instance is using the Nagle algorithm.
get_ReceiveBufferSize()Gets the size of the buffer that is used for receiving data.
get_ReceiveTimeout()Gets a value that indicates an amount of time after which data receiving will time out.
get_SendBufferSize()Gets the size of the buffer that is used for sending data.
get_SendTimeout()Gets a value that indicates an amount of time after which data sending will time out.
GetStream()Returns the stream that is used for sending and receiving data.
set_Client(System::SharedPtr<Socket>)Sets the socket.
set_ExclusiveAddressUse(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the current instance allows only one client to use a port.
set_LingerState(System::SharedPtr<LingerOption>)Sets a value that indicates if the socket will delay closing in an attempt to send all pending data.
set_NoDelay(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the current instance is using the Nagle algorithm.
set_ReceiveBufferSize(int32_t)Sets the size of the buffer that is used for receiving data.
set_ReceiveTimeout(int32_t)Sets a value that indicates an amount of time after which data receiving will time out.
set_SendBufferSize(int32_t)Sets the size of the buffer that is used for sending data.
set_SendTimeout(int32_t)Sets a value that indicates an amount of time after which data sending will time out.
TcpClient(System::SharedPtr<IPEndPoint>)Constructs a new instance.
TcpClient()Constructs a new instance.
TcpClient(AddressFamily)Constructs a new instance.
TcpClient(String, int32_t)Constructs a new instance.
virtual ~TcpClient()Destructs the current instance.

See Also