System::Net::CookieCollection class

CookieCollection class

Represents a list of sorted cookies. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class CookieCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<System::SharedPtr<System::Net::Cookie>>


StampRTTI information.


Add(const System::SharedPtr<Cookie>&) overrideAdds a cookie to the collection.
Add(System::SharedPtr<CookieCollection>)Adds cookies from the specified collection to the current one.
Clear() overrideRemoves all cookies from the collection.
Contains(const System::SharedPtr<Cookie>&) const overrideChecks if the collection contains the specified cookie.
CookieCollection()Constructs a new instance.
get_Count() const overrideGets number of elements in collection.
get_IsOtherVersionSeen()Returns a value that indicates if the collection contains a cookie with a version that is not equal to Cookie::MaxSupportedVersion.
GetEnumerator() overrideGets enumerator.
idx_get(int32_t)Returns a cookie from the cookie collection at the specified index.
idx_get(String)Returns a cookie from the cookie collection by specified name.
IndexOf(System::SharedPtr<Cookie>)Returns an index of the specified cookie.
InternalAdd(System::SharedPtr<Cookie>, bool)Adds the specified cookie to the collection.
Remove(const System::SharedPtr<Cookie>&) overrideRemoves the specified cookie from the collection.
RemoveAt(int32_t)Removes a cookie at the specified index.
TimeStamp(CookieCollection::Stamp)Updates the timestamp by specified scenario and returns a new value.
virtualizeBeginConstIterator() const overrideGets the implementation of begin const iterator for the current container.
virtualizeBeginIterator() overrideGets the implementation of begin iterator for the current container.
virtualizeEndConstIterator() const overrideGets the implementation of end const iterator for the current container.
virtualizeEndIterator() overrideGets the implementation of end iterator for the current container.

See Also