Equals(System::SharedPtr<Object>) override | Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics. |
get_AddressFamily() | Returns the address family. |
get_IsIPv4MappedToIPv6() | Returns a value that indicates if the address is an IPv4 address and is mapped to an IPv6 address. |
get_IsIPv6LinkLocal() | Returns a value that indicates if the address is an IPv6 link-local address. |
get_IsIPv6Multicast() | Returns a value that indicates if the address is an global IPv6 multicast address. |
get_IsIPv6SiteLocal() | Returns a value that indicates if the address is an IPv6 site-local address. |
get_IsIPv6Teredo() | Returns a value that indicates if the address is an IPv6 Teredo address. |
get_ScopeId() | Gets the scope identifier of the IPv6 address. |
GetAddressBytes() | Returns a byte array of the IP address. |
GetHashCode() const override | Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects. |
GetImpl() const | Returns a pointer to implementation. |
static HostToNetworkOrder(int64_t) | Converts the specified host byte order to the corresponding network byte order. |
static HostToNetworkOrder(int32_t) | Converts the specified host byte order to the corresponding network byte order. |
static HostToNetworkOrder(int16_t) | Converts the specified host byte order to the corresponding network byte order. |
IPAddress(int64_t) | Constructs a new instance. |
IPAddress(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int64_t) | Constructs a new instance. |
IPAddress(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>) | Constructs a new instance. |
IPAddress() | Constructs a new instance. |
static IsLoopback(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>) | Returns a value that indicates if the specified address is a loopback address. |
MapToIPv4() | Maps the address to the IPv4 address. |
MapToIPv6() | Maps the address to the IPv6 address. |
static NetworkToHostOrder(int64_t) | Converts the specified network byte order to the corresponding host byte order. |
static NetworkToHostOrder(int32_t) | Converts the specified network byte order to the corresponding host byte order. |
static NetworkToHostOrder(int16_t) | Converts the specified network byte order to the corresponding host byte order. |
static Parse(String) | Converts a passed string to an instance of the IPAddress class. |
set_ScopeId(int64_t) | Sets the scope identifier of the IPv6 address. |
SetImpl(ImplPtr) | Sets a pointer to implementation. |
ToString() const override | Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string. |
static TryParse(String, System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>&) | Tries to convert a passed string to an instance of the IPAddress class. |