System::Net::ServicePointManager class

ServicePointManager class

Manages the lifecycle stages (creating, maintaining, and deleting) of the ServicePoint class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class ServicePointManager : public System::Object


static get_CertificatePolicy()Gets a certificate policy.
static get_CheckCertificateRevocationList()Gets a value that indicates if the certificate must be checked against the certificate authority revocation list.
static get_DefaultConnectionLimit()Gets the maximum number of concurrent connections that are allowed by the ServicePoint-class instances.
static get_DnsRefreshTimeout()Gets a timeout in milliseconds during which a DNS resolution is considered valid.
static get_EnableDnsRoundRobin()Gets a value that indicates if a DNS resolution rotates among the applicable IP addresses.
static get_EncryptionPolicy()Returns the encryption policy that is used by the current instance.
static get_Expect100Continue()Gets a value that indicates if the ServicePoint-class instances use the 100-Continue behavior.
static get_MaxServicePointIdleTime()Gets the maximum idle time of the ServicePoint-class instances.
static get_MaxServicePoints()Gets the maximum number of the ServicePoint-class instances that can be managed by the current instance.
static get_ReusePort()Gets a value that indicates if the output connections sockets use the ‘SO_REUSE_UNICASTPORT’ option.
static get_SecurityProtocol()Gets the security protocol type used by the ServicePoint-class instances that are managed by the current instance.
static get_ServerCertificateValidationCallback()Gets the callback that is used to validate a server certificate.
static get_UseNagleAlgorithm()Gets a value that indicates if the ServicePoint-class instances use the Nagle algorithm.
static set_CertificatePolicy(System::SharedPtr<ICertificatePolicy>)Sets a certificate policy.
static set_CheckCertificateRevocationList(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the certificate must be checked against the certificate authority revocation list.
static set_DefaultConnectionLimit(int32_t)Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections that are allowed by the ServicePoint-class instances.
static set_DnsRefreshTimeout(int32_t)Sets a timeout in milliseconds during which a DNS resolution is considered valid.
static set_EnableDnsRoundRobin(bool)Sets a value that indicates if a DNS resolution rotates among the applicable IP addresses.
static set_Expect100Continue(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the ServicePoint-class instances use the 100-Continue behavior.
static set_MaxServicePointIdleTime(int32_t)Sets the maximum idle time of the ServicePoint-class instances.
static set_MaxServicePoints(int32_t)Sets the maximum number of the ServicePoint-class instances that can be managed by the current instance.
static set_ReusePort(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the output connections sockets use the ‘SO_REUSE_UNICASTPORT’ option.
static set_SecurityProtocol(SecurityProtocolType)Sets the security protocol type used by the ServicePoint-class instances that are managed by the current instance.
static set_ServerCertificateValidationCallback(Security::RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Sets the callback that is used to validate a server certificate.
static set_UseNagleAlgorithm(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the ServicePoint-class instances use the Nagle algorithm.
static SetTcpKeepAlive(bool, int32_t, int32_t)Sets the value that indicates if the ‘Keep-Alive’ option is enabled.


static DefaultNonPersistentConnectionLimitRTTI information.
static DefaultPersistentConnectionLimitThe default number of persistent connections.

See Also