System::Net::WebExceptionStatus enum

WebExceptionStatus enum

Enumerates the status codes of the WebException class.

enum class WebExceptionStatus


Success0No errors occurred.
NameResolutionFailure1The name resolver service could not resolve the host name.
ConnectFailure2The remote service point could not be contacted at the transport level.
ReceiveFailure3A complete response is not received from the remote server.
SendFailure4A complete request could not be sent to the remote server.
PipelineFailure5The request was a pipelined request and the connection was closed before the response was received.
RequestCanceled6The request was canceled or an unclassifiable error occurred.
ProtocolError7The response received from the server was complete but indicated a protocol-level error.
ConnectionClosed8The connection was prematurely closed.
TrustFailure9A server certificate could not be validated.
SecureChannelFailure10An error occurred while establishing a connection using SSL.
ServerProtocolViolation11The server response was not a valid HTTP response.
KeepAliveFailure12The connection for a request that specifies the ‘Keep-Alive’ header was closed unexpectedly.
Pending13An internal asynchronous request is pending.
Timeout14No response was received during the time-out period for a request.
ProxyNameResolutionFailure15The name resolver service could not resolve the proxy host name.
UnknownError16An exception of unknown type has occurred.
MessageLengthLimitExceeded17A message that exceeded the specified limit was received.
CacheEntryNotFound18The specified cache entry was not found.
RequestProhibitedByCachePolicy19The request was not permitted by the cache policy.
RequestProhibitedByProxy20This request was not permitted by the proxy.

See Also