System::Net::WebRequestMethods::Ftp class

Ftp class

Represents the string constants of FTP.

class Ftp


Ftp()The deleted default constructor.


static AppendFileThe string representation of the ‘APPE’ method of FTP.
static DeleteFileThe string representation of the ‘DELE’ method of FTP.
static DownloadFileThe string representation of the ‘RETR’ method of FTP.
static GetDateTimestampThe string representation of the ‘MDTM’ method of FTP.
static GetFileSizeThe string representation of the ‘SIZE’ method of FTP.
static ListDirectoryThe string representation of the ‘NLST’ method of FTP.
static ListDirectoryDetailsThe string representation of the ‘LIST’ method of FTP.
static MakeDirectoryThe string representation of the ‘MKD’ method of FTP.
static PrintWorkingDirectoryThe string representation of the ‘PWD’ method of FTP.
static RemoveDirectoryThe string representation of the ‘RMD’ method of FTP.
static RenameThe string representation of the ‘RENAME’ method of FTP.
static UploadFileThe string representation of the ‘STOR’ method of FTP.
static UploadFileWithUniqueNameThe string representation of the ‘STOU’ method of FTP.

See Also