System::Security::Cryptography::RSA class

RSA class

Base class for implementations of RSA algorithm. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class RSA : public System::Security::Cryptography::AsymmetricAlgorithm


static Create()Creates default RSA aglorithm implementation.
static Create(const String&)Creates default RSA algorithm implementation.
static Create(int32_t)Creates default RSA algorithm implementation with specifed key size.
static Create(const RSAParameters&)Creates default RSA algorithm implementation with specifed parameters.
static CreateFromXmlString(const String&)Creates default RSA algorithm implementation with specifed XML-encoded parameters.
virtual Decrypt(ByteArrayPtr, SharedPtr<RSAEncryptionPadding>)Decrypts input data using the specified padding mode.
virtual DecryptValue(ByteArrayPtr)Decrypts value using private key.
virtual Encrypt(ByteArrayPtr, SharedPtr<RSAEncryptionPadding>)Encrypts input data using the specified padding mode.
virtual EncryptValue(ByteArrayPtr)Encrypts value using private key.
virtual ExportParameters(bool)Exports all parameters.
FromXmlString(String) overrideInitializes object using XML-encoded parameters.
get_KeyExchangeAlgorithm() overrideRTTI information.
get_SignatureAlgorithm() overrideGets signature algorithm associated with CSP object.
virtual ImportParameters(RSAParameters)Imports all parameters from data structure.
SignData(const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&, const SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>&)Computes the hash value of the specified data array using the specified hash algorithm and padding, and signs the result.
SignData(const ByteArrayPtr&, int32_t, int32_t, const HashAlgorithmName&, const SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>&)Computes the hash value of the specified data array using the specified hash algorithm and padding, and signs the result.
SignData(const StreamPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&, const SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>&)Computes the hash value of the specified binary stream using the specified hash algorithm and padding, and signs the result.
virtual SignHash(ByteArrayPtr, HashAlgorithmName, SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>)Computes the signature for the specified hash value.
ToXmlString(bool) overrideExports all parameters in XML format.
VerifyData(const ByteArrayPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&, const SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>&)Verifies that the signature of the specified data is valid.
VerifyData(const ByteArrayPtr&, int32_t, int32_t, const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&, const SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>&)Verifies that the signature of the specified data is valid.
VerifyData(const StreamPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&, const SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>&)Verifies that the signature of the specified binary stream is valid.
virtual VerifyHash(ByteArrayPtr, ByteArrayPtr, const HashAlgorithmName&, SharedPtr<RSASignaturePadding>)Verifies that the signature of the specified hash is valid.

See Also