System::Security::SecurityElement class

SecurityElement class

XML object model for encoding security object. Not implemented. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class SecurityElement : public System::Object


AddAttribute(const String&, const String&)Adds attribute to tag.
AddChild(SecurityElement)Adds child tag.
Attribute(const String&)Gets attribute value.
Copy()Clones tag.
Equal(SecurityElement)Checks for parameters equality.
static Escape(const String&)Escapes characters in XML string.
static FromString(const String&)Creates element from XML code.
get_Attributes()Gets tag attributes.
get_Children()Gets tag child objects.
get_Tag()Gets tag name.
get_Text()Gets tag inner text.
static IsValidAttributeName(const String&)Checks if attribute name is valid.
static IsValidAttributeValue(const String&)Checks if attribute value is valid.
static IsValidTag(const String&)Checks if tag is valid.
static IsValidText(const String&)Checks if text is valid.
SearchForChildByTag(const String&)Gets child tag by name.
SearchForTextOfTag(const String&)Gets child tag inner text by tag name.
SecurityElement(const String&)Constructor.
SecurityElement(const String&, const String&)Constructor.
set_Attributes(System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<String, String>)Sets tag attributes.
set_Children(System::Collections::Generic::List<SecurityElement>)Sets tag child objects.
set_Tag(const String&)Sets tag name.
set_Text(const String&)Sets tag inner text.
ToString() const overrideConverts tag to string.

See Also