System::Web::Services::Protocols::SoapDocumentMethodAttribute class

SoapDocumentMethodAttribute class

Specifies that all SOAP messages passed or returned from the method use the Document formatting. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class SoapDocumentMethodAttribute : public System::Attribute


get_Action()RTTI information.
get_Binding()Gets the binding for which an XML web service method is implementing an operation.
get_OneWay()Gets a value that indicates if a client doesn’t wait for a server to finish processing a method.
get_ParameterStyle()Gets a value that indicates if parameters are encapsulated within a single XML element beneath the ‘Body’ element.
get_RequestElementName()Gets the name of the XML element associated with the SOAP request, which is defined in a service description as an operation.
get_RequestNamespace()Gets the namespace associated with the SOAP request.
get_ResponseElementName()Gets the name of the XML element associated with the SOAP response.
get_ResponseNamespace()Gets the namespace associated with the SOAP response.
get_Use()Gets a value that determines the message encoding method.
set_Action(String)Sets a value of the ‘SOAPAction’ attribute.
set_Binding(String)Sets the binding for which an XML web service method is implementing an operation.
set_OneWay(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the client doesn’t wait for the server to finish processing a method.
set_ParameterStyle(SoapParameterStyle)Sets a value that indicates if parameters are encapsulated within a single XML element beneath the ‘Body’ element.
set_RequestElementName(String)Sets the name of the XML element associated with the SOAP request, which is defined in a service description as an operation.
set_RequestNamespace(String)Sets the namespace associated with the SOAP request.
set_ResponseElementName(String)Sets the name of the XML element associated with the SOAP response.
set_ResponseNamespace(String)Sets the namespace associated with the SOAP response.
set_Use(Description::SoapBindingUse)Sets a value that determines the message encoding method.
SoapDocumentMethodAttribute()Constructs a new instance.
SoapDocumentMethodAttribute(String)Constructs a new instance.

See Also