System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine method

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine() method

Outputs the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine() override

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const SharedPtr<Object>&) method

Outputs the string representation of the specified object followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const SharedPtr<Object> &value) override
valueconst SharedPtr<Object>&The object to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(bool) method

Outputs the string representation of the specified bool value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(bool value) override
valueboolThe object to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(char_t) method

Outputs the specified character value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(char_t value) override
valuechar_tThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(Decimal) method

Outputs the string representation of Decimal value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(Decimal value) override
valueDecimalThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(double) method

Outputs the string representation of double-precision floating-point value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(double value) override
valuedoubleThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(int) method

Outputs the string representation of 32-bit integer value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(int value) override
valueintThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(int64_t) method

Outputs the string representation of 64-bit integer value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(int64_t value) override
valueint64_tThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(float) method

Outputs the string representation of single-precision floating-point value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(float value) override
valuefloatThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const String&) method

Outputs the specified string object followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const String &value) override
valueconst String&The string object to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(uint32_t) method

Outputs the string representation of unsigned 32-bit integer value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(uint32_t value) override
valueuint32_tThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(uint64_t) method

Outputs the string representation of unsigned 64-bit integer value followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(uint64_t value) override
valueuint64_tThe value to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t>&) method

Outputs the string representation of the specified character array followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t> &buffer) override
bufferconst ArrayPtr<char_t>&The array to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t>&, int32_t, int32_t) method

Outputs the string representation of a range of values of the specified character array followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const ArrayPtr<char_t> &buffer, int32_t index, int32_t count) override
bufferconst ArrayPtr<char_t>&The array containing the values to output
indexint32_tThe index at which the range of elements to output begins
countint32_tThe number of elements in the range of elements to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const char_t *) method

Outputs the specified c-string followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const char_t *value) override
valueconst char_t *The c-string to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const TypeInfo&) method

Outputs the string representation of the specified TypeInfo object followed by the current line terminator to the output stream represented by the current object.

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const TypeInfo &value) override
valueconst TypeInfo&The TypeInfo object to output

See Also

ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const char *) method

void System::ConsoleOutput::WriteLine(const char *)=delete

See Also