System::DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats method

DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats() const method

Returns array of strings where each element is the string representation of the current object formatted with one of the standard date and time format specifiers.

ArrayPtr<String> System::DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats() const

See Also

DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats(char_t) const method

Returns array of strings where each element is the string representation of the current object formatted with the specified standard date and time format specifier.

ArrayPtr<String> System::DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats(char_t format) const
formatchar_tStandard date and time format specifier.

See Also

DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats(const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) const method

Returns array of strings where each element is the string representation of the current object formatted with one of the standard date and time format specifiers and the specified format provider.

ArrayPtr<String> System::DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats(const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider) const
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&Format provider.

See Also

DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats(char_t, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) const method

Returns array of strings where each element is the string representation of the current object formatted with the specified standard date and time format specifier and format provider.

ArrayPtr<String> System::DateTime::GetDateTimeFormats(char_t format, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider) const
formatchar_tStandard date and time format specifier.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&Format provider.

See Also