System::DateTime::ToString method

DateTime::ToString() const method

Returns the string representation of the date and time value represented by the current object using the formatting conventions defined by the current culture.

String System::DateTime::ToString() const


The string representation of the value represented by the current object

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const String&) const method

Returns a string representation of the date and time value represented by the current object using the specified format and formatting conventions defined by the current culture.

String System::DateTime::ToString(const String &format) const
formatconst String&A format string


The string representation of the value represented by the current object formatted according to format defined by format and the current culture.

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) const method

Returns a string representation of the date and time value represented by the current object using the specified format information.

String System::DateTime::ToString(const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider) const
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&An object representing the format information


The string representation of the value represented by the current object formatted according to format information provided by formatProvider.

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) const method

String System::DateTime::ToString(const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture) const

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo>&) const method

String System::DateTime::ToString(const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> &dtfi) const

See Also

DateTime::ToString(std::nullptr_t) const method

String System::DateTime::ToString(std::nullptr_t) const

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const String&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) const method

Returns a string representation of the date and time value represented by the current object using the specified format information.

String System::DateTime::ToString(const String &format, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider) const
formatconst String&A format string
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&An object representing the format information


The string representation of the value represented by the current object formatted according to format information provided by provider and format string format.

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) const method

String System::DateTime::ToString(const String &format, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture) const

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo>&) const method

String System::DateTime::ToString(const String &format, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> &dtfi) const

See Also

DateTime::ToString(const String&, std::nullptr_t) const method

String System::DateTime::ToString(const String &format, std::nullptr_t) const

See Also