System::operator+ method
]System::operator+(const T&, const Decimal&) method
Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is a sum of the specified value and the value represented by the specified Decimal object.
template<typename T,typename _> Decimal System::operator+(const T &x, const Decimal &d)
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | const T& | The first summand |
d | const Decimal& | The constant reference to the Decimal object representing the second summand |
A new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is a sum of x and the value represented by the d.
See Also
- Class Decimal
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator+(MulticastDelegate<T>, MulticastDelegate<T>) method
Connects all callbacks from right hand delegate to the end of left hand delegate callback list.
template<typename T> MulticastDelegate<T> System::operator+(MulticastDelegate<T> lhv, MulticastDelegate<T> rhv)
Parameter | Type | Description |
lhv | MulticastDelegate<T> | The delegate to which callbacks are added. |
rhv | MulticastDelegate<T> | The delegate whose callbacks are being added. |
Returns a delegate that contains the callbacks of the left hand value and then the right hand ones.
See Also
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator+(const T1&, const Nullable<T2>&) method
Sums non-nullable and nullable values.
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename> System::Nullable<decltype(some+other.get_Value())> System::operator+(const T1 &some, const Nullable<T2> &other)
Parameter | Description |
T1 | Left operand type. |
T2 | Right operand type. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
some | const T1& | Left operand. |
other | const Nullable<T2>& | Right operand. |
Summing result.
See Also
- Class Nullable
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator+(T&, const String&) method
String concatenation.
template<typename T> std::enable_if<IsStringLiteral<T, char_t>::value, String>::type System::operator+(T &left, const String &right)
Parameter | Description |
T | String literal type. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
left | T& | Literal to concatenate to string. |
right | const String& | String to concatenate. |
Concatenated string.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator+(T&, const String&) method
String concatenation.
template<typename T> std::enable_if<IsStringPointer<T, char_t>::value, String>::type System::operator+(T &left, const String &right)
Parameter | Description |
T | String pointer type. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
left | T& | String pointer to concatenate to string. |
right | const String& | String to concatenate. |
Concatenated string.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator+(const char_t, const String&) method
String concatenation.
String System::operator+(const char_t left, const String &right)
Parameter | Type | Description |
left | const char_t | Character to concatenate to string. |
right | const String& | String to concatenate. |
Concatenated string.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++