System::operator<< method
System::operator«(std::ostream&, DateTime) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, DateTime date_time)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
date_time | DateTime | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class DateTime
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, DateTime) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, DateTime date_time)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
date_time | DateTime | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class DateTime
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, DateTimeOffset) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, DateTimeOffset value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
value | DateTimeOffset | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class DateTimeOffset
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, DateTimeOffset) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, DateTimeOffset value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
value | DateTimeOffset | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class DateTimeOffset
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const Decimal&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Decimal &decimal)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
decimal | const Decimal& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Decimal
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const Decimal&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Decimal &decimal)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
decimal | const Decimal& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Decimal
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const Exception&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Exception &exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
exception | const Exception& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Typedef Exception
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const Exception&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Exception &exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
exception | const Exception& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Typedef Exception
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const Guid&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Guid &guid)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
guid | const Guid& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Guid
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const Guid&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Guid &guid)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
guid | const Guid& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Guid
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const Nullable<T>&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
template<typename T> std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Nullable<T> &value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
value | const Nullable<T>& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Nullable
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const Nullable<T>&) method
Insert data into the stream.
template<typename T> std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Nullable<T> &value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
value | const Nullable<T>& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Nullable
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const System::Object&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const System::Object &object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
object | const System::Object& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Object
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const System::Object&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const System::Object &object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
object | const System::Object& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Object
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const OperatingSystem&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const OperatingSystem &os)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
os | const OperatingSystem& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class OperatingSystem
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const OperatingSystem&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const OperatingSystem &os)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
os | const OperatingSystem& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class OperatingSystem
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const SharedPtr<T>&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
template<typename T> std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const SharedPtr<T> &object_ptr)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
object_ptr | const SharedPtr<T>& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const SharedPtr<T>&) method
Insert data into the stream.
template<typename T> std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const SharedPtr<T> &object_ptr)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
object_ptr | const SharedPtr<T>& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const String&) method
Outputs a string to the output stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &os, const String &str)
Parameter | Type | Description |
os | std::ostream& | An output stream object (instantiation of basic_ostream with char). |
str | const String& | A string to be sent to the output stream. |
An output stream to which the string was added.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const String&) method
Outputs a string to the output stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &os, const String &str)
Parameter | Type | Description |
os | std::wostream& | An output stream object (instantiation of basic_ostream with wchar_t). |
str | const String& | A string to be sent to the output stream. |
An output stream to which the string was added.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, TimeSpan) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, TimeSpan time_span)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
time_span | TimeSpan | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class TimeSpan
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, TimeSpan) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, TimeSpan time_span)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
time_span | TimeSpan | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class TimeSpan
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const TypeInfo&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const TypeInfo &type_info)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
type_info | const TypeInfo& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class TypeInfo
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const TypeInfo&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const TypeInfo &type_info)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
type_info | const TypeInfo& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class TypeInfo
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const Version&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Version &version)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
version | const Version& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Version
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const Version&) method
Insert data into the stream.
std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Version &version)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
version | const Version& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class Version
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::ostream&, const WeakPtr<T>&) method
Insert data into the stream using UTF-8 encoding.
template<typename T> std::ostream & System::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const WeakPtr<T> &object_ptr)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::ostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
object_ptr | const WeakPtr<T>& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class WeakPtr
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator«(std::wostream&, const WeakPtr<T>&) method
Insert data into the stream.
template<typename T> std::wostream & System::operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const WeakPtr<T> &object_ptr)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | std::wostream& | Output stream to insert data to. |
object_ptr | const WeakPtr<T>& | Data to insert. |
See Also
- Class WeakPtr
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
title: System::operator» method linktitle: operator» second_title: Aspose.PUB for C++ description: ‘System::operator» method. Gets a string from the input streamusing UTF-8 encoding in C++.’ type: docs weight: 35500 url: /cpp/system/operator__/
System::operator»(std::istream&, String&) method
Gets a string from the input streamusing UTF-8 encoding.
std::istream & System::operator>>(std::istream &in, String &str)
Parameter | Type | Description |
in | std::istream& | An input stream object (instantiation of basic_ostream with char). |
str | String& | A string to read from the input stream. |
An input stream from which the string was extracted.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++
System::operator»(std::wistream&, String&) method
Gets a string from the input stream.
std::wistream & System::operator>>(std::wistream &in, String &str)
Parameter | Type | Description |
in | std::wistream& | An input stream object (instantiation of basic_ostream with wchar_t). |
str | String& | A string to read from the input stream. |
An input stream from which the string was extracted.
See Also
- Class String
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++