Cursor enumeration

Cursor enumeration

Defines cursor types for SVG elements, allowing customization of the cursor appearance when hovering over these elements.

The Cursor type exposes the following members:


AUTOThe browser determines the cursor to display based on the current context.
DEFAULTDefault cursor, typically an arrow.
NONENo cursor is displayed.
CONTEXT_MENUCursor indicating a context menu is available.
HELPCursor indicating help information is available.
POINTERCursor indicating a clickable element, typically a hand pointer.
PROGRESSCursor indicating an ongoing operation or task.
WAITCursor indicating that the system is busy and the user should wait.
CELLCursor indicating a cell or table element.
CROSSHAIRCursor indicating precision selection, typically a crosshair.
TEXTCursor indicating text selection.
VERTICAL_TEXTCursor indicating vertical text selection.
ALIASCursor indicating an alias or shortcut is being created.
COPYCursor indicating copy operation.
MOVECursor indicating a movable item or area.
NO_DROPCursor indicating that dropping is not allowed.
NOT_ALLOWEDCursor indicating an action is not allowed.
GRABCursor indicating an item can be grabbed.
GRABBINGCursor indicating an item is currently being grabbed.
E_RESIZECursor indicating eastward resize.
N_RESIZECursor indicating northward resize.
NE_RESIZECursor indicating northeastward resize.
NW_RESIZECursor indicating northwestward resize.
S_RESIZECursor indicating southward resize.
SE_RESIZECursor indicating southeastward resize.
SW_RESIZECursor indicating southwestward resize.
W_RESIZECursor indicating westward resize.
EW_RESIZECursor indicating east-west resize.
NS_RESIZECursor indicating north-south resize.
NESW_RESIZECursor indicating northeast-southwest resize.
NW_SE_RESIZECursor indicating northwest-southeast resize.
COL_RESIZECursor indicating column resize.
ROW_RESIZECursor indicating row resize.
ALL_SCROLLCursor indicating scrolling in all directions.
ZOOM_INCursor indicating zoom-in capability.
ZOOM_OUTCursor indicating zoom-out capability.


This enumeration provides a range of cursor styles that can be applied to SVG elements. These styles help indicate the type of interaction available or the status of the element under the cursor.

See Also