FontStretch enumeration

FontStretch enumeration

Specifies the different levels of font stretching for SVG text elements.

The FontStretch type exposes the following members:


NORMALRepresents the normal (default) font stretch.
ULTRA_CONDENSEDRepresents the most condensed font stretch.
EXTRA_CONDENSEDRepresents a more condensed font stretch than ‘condensed’ but less than ‘ultra-condensed’.
CONDENSEDRepresents a condensed font stretch.
SEMI_CONDENSEDRepresents a slightly condensed font stretch.
SEMI_EXPANDEDRepresents a slightly expanded font stretch.
EXPANDEDRepresents an expanded font stretch.
EXTRA_EXPANDEDRepresents a more expanded font stretch than ’expanded’ but less than ‘ultra-expanded’.
ULTRA_EXPANDEDRepresents the most expanded font stretch.

See Also